日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 21(2):301-306;2009 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第21巻 第2号 125~130頁(2009年)
An Action of Prenatal Visit for High-risk Pregnant Woman in Our Hospital
東京都立大塚病院 新生児科
Department of Neonatology, Tokyo Metropolitan Ohtsuka Hospital
増永 健・岡田真衣子・大橋祥子・藤中義史・岩村美佳・瀧川逸朗
Key Words:prenatal visit,NICU,high-risk pregnant woman
 The prenatal visit for high-risk pregnant women become more important recently because of smooth acceptance of baby. We visited to obstetric inpatients with the fetus and their family of possibility to be hospitalized in NICU after delivery who was hospitalized in obstetrics ward of Tokyo metropolitan Ohtsuka hospital. The team consists of a neonatologist, a nurse of NICU and a midwife of maternity ward visited at patient’s room and provides them with the information about the care and the treatment for their babies in NICU. We answered any question of the mother. On average, 30-60 minutes were required for explanation and answering the questions from each patient and their family. A total of thirty-nine prenatal visits were made from April, 2003 to September, 2004. At the time of visit, the gestational age of patients were between 24-37 weeks. Maternal age ranged from 23 to 41 years old, and 25 women were primipara, 27 patients were admitted to our hospital by emergency maternal transport because of threatened premature delivery, nine patients underwent once or several times of infertility therapy. The babies of those patients were born at 24-39 weeks of gestation. There were 57 live-born babies of these high risk mothers in this period. Among 57 babies, 41 were hospitalized to NICU ward. Our prenatal visit was very useful for solution of uneasiness of high-risk pregnant woman and her family. It seems that this type of prenatal visit is essential to neonatal and maternal tertiary care centres.
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