日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 17(2):231-239;2005 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第17巻 第2号 73~81頁(2005年)
壊死性臍帯炎はWilson-Mikity症候群の重症化因子ではない ―Wilson-Mikity症候群100例における胎盤病理―
Chorioamnionitis with necrotizing funisitis does not develop severe Wilson-Mikity syndrome
大阪府立母子保健総合医療センター *1検査科病理,*2新生児科
*1 Department of Pathology,*2 Department of Neonatal Medicine, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health
松浪 桂*1,2・竹内 真*1・中山雅弘*1・北島博之*2・藤村正哲*2
Katsura MATSUNAMI*1,2,Makoto TAKEUCHI*1,Masahiro NAKAYAMA*1, Hiroyuki KITAJIMA*2,Masanori FUJIMURA*2
Key Words:chorioamnionitis,chronic lung disease,necrotizing funisitis,Wilson-Mikity syndrome
 To elucidate the risk factors for severity of Wilson-Mikity syndrome(WMS), we examine 100 placentas with WMS delivered at 22 to 32 gestational weeks during 1982 to 1998 retrospectively, and compared 18 clinical and 3 histological factors. We detected 70 placentas with subacute chorioamnionitis(CAM), 50 placentas with necrotizing funisitis(NF).
 The stage of CAM was not significantly related to severity of WMS. CAM without NF was associated with gestational age(p=0.0011), low birth weight(p=0.0053), duration of oxygen supplementation(p=0.003), and need for home oxygen therapy(HOT)(p=0.001). While subacute CAM and NF were highly incident(86.4%)in the mild WMS group, NF in the severe WMS group was fewer(30.6%). In conclusion, subacute CAM with NF does not develop severe Wilson-Mikity syndrome.
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