日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 22(2):218-222;2010 |
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第22巻 第2号 40~44頁(2010年) |
受付日:平成22.01.29 |
受理日:平成22.03.02 |
―自験例および先天性喉頭閉鎖の本邦報告例の検討― |
Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infant with Congenital Laryngeal Atresia Accompanied by Double-Outlet Right Ventricle
: Case Report and Review of Literature on Japanese Cases of Congenital Laryngeal Atresia |
群馬県立小児医療センター 新生児科 |
Department of Neonatology, Gunma Children’s Medical Center, Gunma, Japan |
丸山憲一・藤生 徹 |
Kenichi MARUYAMA,Tohru FUJIU |
Key Words:laryngeal atresia,double-outlet right ventricle,very low birth weight infant,newborn |
両大血管右室起始症を合併した先天性喉頭閉鎖の極低出生体重児例を報告する。胎児超音波検査では心奇形が疑われていた。在胎33週4日,non-reassuring fetal statusのため帝王切開で出生した。出生体重1,350g,Apgar score 1分後1点,5分後1点。出生後,気管挿管を試みたが,声門部以下にチューブが進まなかった。食道挿管しての人工換気も試みたが,状態は改善せず,生後1時間26分で死亡した。剖検で喉頭は骨格筋組織と形成異常を示す輪状軟骨で完全に閉鎖されており,披裂軟骨が癒合していることが判明した。また,高位心室中隔欠損,両大血管右室起始症,動脈管開存,卵円孔開存,左上大静脈遺残を認めた。本症例は胎児超音波検査上,先天性上気道閉塞症候群の像を呈しておらず,先天性喉頭閉鎖の出生前診断はできなかったが,本邦報告例の約半数は他の先天奇形を合併しており,先天奇形の児の出生を扱うことの多い施設では,本疾患に対応できるようにすることが望まれる。 |
A female neonatal case of congenital laryngeal atresia with double-outlet right ventricle is reported. The baby was
delivered by Cesarean section with a birth weight of 1,350g at 33 weeks and 4 days of gestation because of nonreassuring
fetal status. Prenatal ultrasonographic findings suggested a cardiac anomaly. Apgar socre was 1 at both 1 and
5 minutes after birth. Attempted endotracheal intubation was unsuccessful. The baby died 1 hour and 26 minutes after
birth. Autopsy revealed the larynx was obstructed by muscular tissue and malformed cricoid cartilage. Arytenoid
cartilages were fused. She also had double-outlet right ventricle, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, patent
foramen ovale, and persistent left superior vena cava. There were no fetal ultrasonographic findings of congenital high
airway obstruction syndrome, and the baby could not have been diagnosed prenatally as having congenital laryngeal
atresia. Because approximately 50% of cases of congenital laryngeal atresia reported in Japan have other congenital
anomalies, emergency measures against this anomaly should be prepared in hospitals in which many infants with
congenital anomalies are delivered. |
(c) 2010 日本未熟児新生児学会 All Rights Reserved. |