日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 23(1):113-117;2011 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第23巻 第1号 113~117頁(2011年)
Transient Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus in Extremely-Low-Birth-Weight Infant
*1順天堂大学医学部附属静岡病院 新生児センター,*2順天堂大学 医学部 小児科学講座, *3旭川医科大学 小児科,*4旭川医科大学 教育センター
*1 Department of Neonatology, Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital, *2 Department of Pediatrics, Juntendo University School of Medicine, *3 Department of Pediatrics, Asahikawa Medical College, *4 Education Center of Asahikawa Medical College
大関一裕*1*2・池野 充*1*2・清水俊明*2・鈴木 滋*3・蒔田芳男*4・藤枝憲二*3
Kazuhiro OHZEKI*1*2,Mitsuru IKENO*1*2,Toshiaki SHIMIZU*1, Shigeru SUZUKI*2,Yoshio MAKITA*3,Kenji FUJIEDA*2
Key Words:neonatal diabetes,ABCC8 gene,extremely low birth weight infant
 症例は在胎29週4日,出生体重912g(-2SD)(Small-for-gestational age infant:SGA)で出生,Apger scoreは生後1分値7点,5分値8点。出生後,新生児呼吸窮迫症候群に対し肺サーファクタント補充療法,人工呼吸器管理を行った。未熟児動脈管開存症に対してインドメタシンを使用した。急性期離脱後の日齢6より300mg/dLを超える高血糖と尿糖を認め,インスリン持続静注を開始した。自己抗体(抗インスリン抗体,抗GAD抗体,抗IA-2抗体)は陰性。日齢30にミルク投与後1時間,2時間での血糖値及びインスリン値を測定したところ,高血糖にもかかわらず,インスリン分泌不全を認め新生児糖尿病を疑った。日齢58までインスリン持続静注を必要とし,投与量は0.003~0.025U/kg/hrであった。血糖値は150~350mg/dLと変動が大きくコントロールに難渋したが,日齢50頃よりインスリン量を減じても血糖が安定したため,日齢56にインスリン治療を中止した。中止後も血糖は安定し,全身状態・体重増加も良好で日齢99(修正43週5日)に退院となった。6番染色体,KCNJ11,ABCC8遺伝子検索で,ABCC8遺伝子にヘテロ接合変異を同定した。超低出生体重児の一過性高血糖においても,急性期を超えて高血糖が持続する場合には,遺伝子解析を考慮すべきである。
 An infant born at 29 weeks 4 days of gestation, weighing 912g(−2SD)(small-for-gestational age infant),had Apgar scores of 7 at 1 minute and 8 at 5 minutes. This infant received postnatal pulmonary surfactant replacement therapy and was mechanically ventilated for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Indomethacin was used to treat patent ductus arteriosus of prematurity. Hyperglycemia with serum glucose above 300mg/dL and glycosuria were observed at the age of 6 days, i.e., after the acute period. Continuous intravenous infusion of insulin was started. Autoantibodies(anti-insulin antibody, anti-GAD antibody, and anti-IA-2 antibody)were negative. Levels of plasma glucose and insulin were measured 1 hour and 2 hours after the infant was given milk at the age of 30 days. Despite hyperglycemia, the plasma insulin level did not increase, and impaired insulin secretion was observed. Thus, neonatal diabetes mellitus was suspected. Until the age of 58 days, this infant required continuous intravenous infusion of insulin at a dosage between 0.003 and 0.025U/kg/ hr. Because the plasma glucose level fluctuated markedly between 150 and 350mg/dL, glycemic control was difficult. However, the insulin level had stabilized by the age of 50 days, and insulin treatment was stopped. The infant was discharged at a corrected gestational age of 43 weeks 5 days, i.e., a postnatal age of 99 days, weighing 3,244g. Genetic analysis for chromosome 6, KCNJ11 , and ABCC8 genes identified heterozygous mutations in the ABCC8 gene. When transient hyperglycemia is encountered in extremely low birth weight infants, if the hyperglycemia persists beyond the acute period, genetic analysis should be considered.
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