日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 23(1):75-82;2011 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第23巻 第1号 75~82頁(2011年)
Analysis of the Current State of Patients with Long-Term Artificial Ventilation in NICU and Factors Inhibiting Their Home Medical Care
*1東京医科歯科大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 発生発達病態学分野,*2川口市立医療センター 新生児集中治療科, *3倉敷中央病院 小児科,*4名古屋第二赤十字病院 小児科, *5長野県立こども病院 新生児科,*6埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 小児科
*1 Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University *2 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Kawaguchi Municipal Medical Center, *3 Department of Pediatrics,Kurashiki Central Hospital, *4 Department of Pediatrics,Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital, *5 Division of Neonatology,Nagano Children’s Hospital, *6 Division of Neonatal Medicine,Center for Materal,Fetal and Neonatal Medicine,Saitama Medical Center
滝 敦子*1*2・奥 起久子*2・渡部晋一*3・田中太平*4・中村友彦*5・田村正徳*6
Atsuko TAKI*1*2,Kikuko OKU*2,Shinichi WATABE*3, Taihei TANAKA*4,Tomohiko NAKAMURA*5,Masanori TAMURA*6
Key Words:NICU,long-term artificial ventilation,obstacles to discharge,home medical care,public support system
 A questionnaire survey of patients, who needed long-term artificial ventilation in NICU, was conducted to examine the problems regarding patient transition from NICU to home medical care. The questionnaire was designed for medical staffs and patients’ parents to complete and data were analyzed from each stand points. Results from medical staffs revealed major reasons for making patient’s transition difficult from NICU to home care, including refusal by family members, poor housing circumstances and lacking of public support system for home medical care. In contrast, results from parents showed two chief reasons for impeding transition from NICU. 1)Economical, physical and mental cost of home medical care. 2)Tendency of the parents to think that better medical care would be provided in NICU than home. Patients’ family needed public services supporting home medical care such as economical support, respite care, emergency medical care and hospitalization system. Home medical care might be promoted by reducing related burden on family members.
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