日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 17(2):200-204;2005 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第17巻 第2号 42~46頁(2005年)
Thrombotic formation on peripherally inserted central venous catheter in the neonates
茨城県立こども病院 新生児科
Division of Neonatology,Ibaraki Children’s Hospital
Junichi ARAI,Youko MOURI,Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO
Key Words:neonetes,peripherally inserted central venous catheter,thrombus,venous thrombus
目的:新生児の経皮的中心静脈カテーテル(PICC:peripherally inserted central venous catheter)使用においてカテーテル先端にどの程度の血栓が形成されているかを検討する。
結果:対象は52例で,出生体重は634~3,426gであった。計59本のPICCを観察した。PICCの留置日数の平均±標準偏差は14.7±8.0日,先端部位は上大静脈4本,下大静脈9本,右房1本,腸骨静脈9本,鎖骨下静脈11本,末梢静脈25本であった。血栓の形成は次の3つに分類できた。1)カテーテル先端開口部の血栓形成 49本(83%)に認められた。うち26本(44%)はほぼ完全に閉塞していた。2)カテーテル周囲の血栓形成 19本(32%)に認められた。3)カテーテル先端から血管内壁に沿った血栓形成 2例(3%)に認められた。下大静脈にカテーテルを留置し,下大静脈が血栓により完全閉塞を認めた症例を1例経験した。
 We investigated the incidence of thrombus of the peripherally inserted central venous catheter(PICC)in the neonates.
Methods:Thrombotic formation in and around the tip of the PICC was observed by microscope after withdrawal of the catheter. Result:59 PICCs were observed in 52 neonates(birth weight:634~3,426g). Days of catheter insertion were 14.7±8.0 days(mean±SD). Sites of catheter tip were located 4 at superior vena cava, 9 at inferior vena cava, 1 at right atrium, 9 at iliac vein, 11 at subclavian vein and 25 at peripheral vein. The sites of thrombotic formation were divided into following three groups;a)thrombus at the tip of the catheter 48(83%), b)thrombus around the proximal portion of the catheter 19(32%), c)thrombus along the vessel wall from the tip of the catheter 2(3%). In one patient, complete obstruction by thrombus was observed within the tip of catheter at the site of the inferior vena cava.
Conclusion: The incidence of thrombotic formation around the tip of PICC was high. Although most of the patients with thrombotic formation at the tip of the catheter were asymptomatic, serious complication such as occlusion of the vena cava may occasionally occur.
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