日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 17(2):195-199;2005 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第17巻 第2号 37~41頁(2005年)
Usefulness of HPLC method for determining the source of the blood containing in the vomitus in“Melena”neonatorum
*1現 慶應義塾大学医学部 小児科,*2都立清瀬小児病院 小児科
*1 Department of Neonatology, Tokyo Metropolitan Kiyose Children’s Hospital, *2 Department of Pediatrics, Keio University School of Medicine
Maki NAKAZAWA*1,2,Yusuke GOTOU*1,Kyoko MATSUDA*1, Eiichi ISOHATA*1,Tetsuo YOKOYAMA*1
Key Words:HPLC method,Melena,Apt test
 We studied the usefulness of the high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method for determining the source of the blood contained in the vomitus in“Melena”neonatorum and compared the HPLC method with the Apt test which has been commonly used.
 Two different kinds of samples as follows, were analyzed simultaneously with both method;1)mixed blood of a newborn(48h of age)with an adult in various proportions;2)bloody vomitus from 7 newborns(0-1 days of age).
 With the Apt test HbF was not detectable in the mixed blood, and it was impossible to judge when the blood became strongly hemolyzed.
 On the contrary, the percentage of HbF in the mixed blood in proportion to the ratio of neonate to adult could be measured with the HPLC method. Also, HbF in the bloody vomitus from all of 7 patients were detectable with the HPLC method.
 Our findings suggest that the HPLC method is more useful for differential diagnosis of neonatal gastrointestinal bleeding because this method accurately identified the presence of neonatal blood unaffected by the mixing newborns blood with adult’s.
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