日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 24(1):114-120;2012 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第24巻第1号 114~120頁(2012年)
晩期循環不全早期診断としての前大脳動脈血流resistance index 測定の有用性
Elevation of Resistance Index in Anterior Cerebral Artery May be an Useful Factor to Diagnose Late-Onset Circulatory Dysfunction Earlier
藤田保健衛生大学 医学部 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
Masafumi MIYATA,Yoshihiko ERYU,Masatomo TAKEUCHI,Hiroko BODA,Toshio YAMAZAKI
Key Words:preterm infant,late-onset circulatory dysfunction,anterior cerebral artery,resistance index
 前大脳動脈血流のresistanceindex(ACA RI)の高値がLCD早期診断の所見として有用であるかを明らかにするため,前方視的観察研究を行った。
 対象は2008年2月から11月に当院NICUに入院した在胎32週未満の早産児17例である。対象の在胎期間は28.6±2.5週,出生体重は1,043±320gだった。全例のACA RIを日齢7から受胎後33週6日まで毎日,超音波パルスドプラー法で測定した。
 LCD群のACA RIの最高値は非LCD群より有意に(p=0.0056)高値だった。LCD発症の4~87時間前に,LCD群の7例のACA RIが,非LCD群のACA RIの平均+2SDである0.799より高値になっていた。LCD発症前のACA RIのカットオフ値を0.8と設定すると,LCD発症の感度は78%,特異度は75%,陽性予測値は78%,陰性予測値は75%だった。
 ACA RIの上昇は,早産児の相対的副腎皮質機能不全による末梢動脈の血管抵抗の低下を表していると考えられる。今回の結果から,ACA RIの高値を捉えることでLCDをより早期に捕捉できる可能性があると思われ,LCD早期診断に有用であると考えられた。
 Late-onset circulatory dysfunction(LCD)is considered to affect neurological development. As prompt vasopressor therapy may improve the prognosis of LCD, it seems important to detect the status of LCD earlier. A prospective observational study was done to prove whether the high resistance index of anterior cerebral artery(ACA RI)is an useful factor to diagnose LCD earlier.
 Seventeen preterm infants, who were less than 32 weeks gestational ages and admitted to our NICU from February to November 2008, were enrolled in this study. Their gestational age was 28.6±2.5 weeks, and birth weight was 1,043±320 grams. ACA RI of all infants were measured everyday by pulsed Doppler ultrasonography from 7 days of age until they reached to post conceptional age of 33 weeks and 6 days. The diagnostic criterion of LCD is “The sudden appearance of hypotension and oliguria which needs vasopressor therapy, without obvious cause following stable circulation and respiration in preterm infants”. Among the 17 infants, 9 infants developed LCD(LCD group),and other 8 infants did not develop LCD(non-LCD group).
 The maximum value of ACA RI in LCD group was significantly higher than that of non-LCD group(p=0.0056). Among LCD group, ACA RI of 7 infants were higher than 0.799, which was the mean + 2SD value of ACA RI in non- LCD group, and were shown between 4 to 87 hours before they developed LCD. An ACA RI cutoff of ≧0.8 before the development of LCD identified the disease with a sensitivity of 78%, specificity of 75%, positive predictive value of 78%, and negative predictive value of 75%, respectively.
 It seems that the elevation of ACA RI reflect the decreasing of peripheral arterial resistance, caused by relative adrenocortical insufficiency of the preterm infants. It is concluded that the elevation of ACA RI before the development of LCD may be useful to aware a condition of LCD earlier.
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