日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 24(1):121-126;2012 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第24巻第1号 121~126頁(2012年)
The Factors Influencing Prognosis for Development in Infants after Brain Hypothermia Therapy for Severe Birth Asphyxia
倉敷中央病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Kurashiki Central Hospital
向井丈雄・吉崎加奈子・澤田真理子・前場珠子・林 知宏・久保田真通・高橋章仁・西田吉伸・渡部晋一
Takeo MUKAI,Kanako YOSHIZAKI,Mariko SAWADA,Tamako MAEBA,Tomohiro HAYASHI,Masamichi KUBOTA,Akihito TAKAHASHI,Yoshinobu NISHIDA,Shinichi WATABE
Key Words:brain hypothermia therapy,hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy,neuron specific enolase,developmental quotient
Objective:To elucidate the factors influencing prognosis for development in infants who required brain hypothermia therapy for severe birth asphyxia.
Subjects and methods:Subjects were 36 patients who completed the revised Kyoto scale of psychological developmental test(revised Kyoto scale)for 18-month-old infants and 25 patients who completed for 3-year-old infants from among the 72 patients who underwent brain hypothermia therapy at the NICU of our hospital between 1998 and 2010. Patients were classified by their development quotient(DQ)into the DQ<75 and DQ≧75 groups and retrospectively compared with regard to each item.
Results:Factors associated with a significant difference in DQ at 18-month-old were places of birth(nosocomial or extramural),birth weight, Apgar score(5 minutes),pH at birth, Base Excess(BE)at birth, neuron-specific enolase(NSE) in cerebrospinal fluid(CSF),and the maximum creatine kinase-BB isoenzyme(CK-BB)during follow-up. On the other hand, factors associated with a significant difference in DQ at 3-year-old were gestational age, birth weight, NSE in CSF. In addition, the level of NSE in CSF at which a difference in DQ at 18-month-old was observed was 34ng/mL, and at 3-year-old was 30ng/mL.
Conclusion:These results suggest that birth weight, NSE in CSF are important factors affecting the DQ for 18-monthand 3-year-old infants, and that patients with an NSE in CSF of ≧34ng/mL have a poor prognosis for development at 18-month-old, and patients with an NSE in CSF of ≧30ng/mL at 3-year-old.
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