日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 24(2):275-278;2012 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第24巻第2号 63~66頁(2012年)
高度の気管狭窄,左肺無形成を伴う右bronchopulmonary foregut malformationの女児例
Bronchopulmonary Foregut Malformation with Tracheal Stenosis and Unilateral Left Lung Agenesis:A Case Report
さいたま市立病院 周産期母子医療センター新生児内科
Perinatal center, Department of Neonatology, Saitama Municipal Hospital
高村恭子・大森さゆ・宮路尚子・置塩英美・倉辻 言・市川知則・前山克博
Key Words:bronchopulmonary foregut malformation(BPFM),tracheal stenosis,unilateral left lung agenesis
 症例は在胎38週0日,2,438gで出生した女児。胸部造影CT において,気管狭窄・左肺無形成・右気管気管支・右気管支食道起始・右中下葉分葉不全を認めBronchopulmonary foregut malformation と診断した。
 そのため内科的管理,即ち十二指腸チューブの挿入による誤嚥の予防,鎮静と早期抜管による気道の安静に努めた。しかし,肺炎を反復し呼吸状態は徐々に悪化した。日齢128 に右気管支食道起始切離術が行われたが,術後15日に呼吸不全のため死亡した。仮に気管再建術,罹患肺の切除が不可能でも,早期の食道と気管の交通の閉鎖が予後を改善した可能性が考えられた。
 The patient, an infant girl, was born transvaginal at full term to non-consanguineous parents. Apgar scores were 3 and 6 at 1 and 5 minutes after birth, respectively, and the infant weighed 2,438g.
 Contrast-enhanced multidetector row computed tomography(CT)performed on the first day of life demonstrated tracheal stenosis and a communication between the lower esophagus and right lower lung. Additionally, the left pulmonary parenchyma, blood vessels, and bronchial tree beyond the tracheal bifurcation were completely absent. Contrast medium instilled into the esophagus outlined the bronchial tree of the right middle and lower lobe.
 Most of the reported patients have undergone desperate attempts at tracheal reconstruction with few successes reported. The outlook of the patients with critical tracheal stenosis involving long segments associated with unilateral pulmonary agenesis and BPFM was considered to extremely poor. To make matters worse, her anomalous bronchi arising from the esophagus connected to contralateral lung, so that we suspended a surgical intervention. And then, to make attempt to manage the deterioration of the extant lung, we used a nasoduodenal tube for feeding to avoid aspiration, and put her under sedation for airway rest. However, pneumonia recurred in the right lower lung field and developed life-threatening respiratory distress. Whereas, it was thought that she would not survive attempted repair, the right communicating duct was surgically ligated 4 months after birth. The fifteen days after the operation, however, the infant died from unexpected pulmonary hemorrhage.
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