日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(1):61-66;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第1号 61~66頁(2006年)
「NICUにおける呼吸理学療法ガイドライン」作成のためのアンケート調査結果 新生児医療連絡会呼吸理学療法ガイドライン作成委員会
A nationwide questionnaire survey to prepare guidelines on respiratory physical therapy at NICU
*1長野県立こども病院総合周産期母子医療センター 新生児科,*2長野県立こども病院 リハビリテーション科, *3埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 小児科
*1 Division of Neonatology, Nagano Children’s Hospital, *2 Division of rehabilitation, Nagano Children’s Hospital, *3 Department of Pediatrics, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
Takehiko HIROMA*1,Tomohiko NAKAMURA*1,Hideki KIHARA*2, Masanori TAMURA*3
Key Words:respiratory physical therapy,adverse effect,NICU,neonate,very low birth weight infant
 新生児呼吸療法・モニタリングフォーラム・新生児医療連絡会呼吸理学療法ガイドライン作成委員会(委員長:田村正徳)は,2003年3月「NICUにおける呼吸理学療法ガイドライン」を作成し報告した1)。それに先だって2001年2月,新生児医療連絡会の会員の所属施設を対象に,NICU入院中の新生児に対する呼吸理学療法(Respiratory physical therapy以下RPT)の現状と合併症についてアンケート調査を施行したので,その調査結果を報告する。
 The Committee for Preparing Guidelines on respiratory physical therapy(chairman: M. Tamura)organized jointly by the Neonatal Respiratory Care and Monitoring Forum and the Japanese Neonatology Association conducted a questionnaire survey in February 2001 to investigate the present status of respiratory physical therapy(RPT)among neonates. The questionnaire was delivered to members of the Japanese Neonatology Association. The results of this survey are presented in this paper.
 The survey demonstrated that it was widely known that RPT was useful in neonatal care, but that 90% of the facilities surveyed had no RPT manual. The criteria and methods used for beginning and applying RPT varied from facility to facility.
 Percussion is a RPT technique reported by several investigators to have caused complications(i. e. , intracranial hemorrhage, costal fracture, apnea and paroxysmal bradycardia), but it was used for patients during tracheal intubation at about 50% of the facilities surveyed and for non-intubated patients at about 35% of the facilities. Tracheal saline lavage was performed over 50% of the facilities.
 Complications due to RPT had been experienced at 6% of the facilities. The complication of costal fracture among very low birth weight infants was found in all these facilities.
 The results of this survey indicate the necessity of disseminating the information concerning the Guidelines on respiratory physical therapy at the NICU, with the goals of making the necessity of RPT better understood and preventing complications from its application.
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