日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 25(2):169-176;2013 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第25巻第2号 43~50頁(2013年)
手指衛生セルフチェックリストを用いたNICU での院内感染対策教育の有用性
Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Education using Hand Hygiene Self-check List in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
石井記念愛染園附属愛染橋病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Aizenbashi Hospital
木下大介・玉置祥子・川村彬子・酒井絵美子・井石倫弘甲斐明彦・前川 周・佐野博之・隅 清彰
Daisuke KINOSHITA,Shoko TAMAKI,Akiko KAWAMURA,Emiko SAKAI,Tomohiro ISEKI, Akihiko KAI,Shu MAEKAWA,Hiroyuki SANO,Kiyoaki SUMI
Key Words:hand hygiene,adherence,hospital acquired infection,NICU,MRSA
 NICU に入院する新生児の予後改善には手指衛生を中心とした適切な院内感染対策が必要となる。今回我々は,手指衛生セルフチェックリストを用いた継続的教育介入によって,アルコール手指消毒製剤使用量,新規Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)保菌発生率,Very low birth weight infant(VLBWI)の院内感染発生率が改善するか後方視的に検討した。
 介入前23 カ月間と後32 カ月間では,1 patient-day あたりのアルコール手指消毒製剤使用量の中央値は47.0mL から69.2mL と有意に増加した(p<0.0001)。1,000 patient-days あたりの新規MRSA 保菌発生率は10.91 から1.88 へと有意に低下した(p<0.0001)。生後72 時間以降に抗菌薬を使用された全院内感染発生率は1,000 VLBWI patientdaysあたり7.16 から3.38 へ有意に低下した(p<0.0001)が,Center for Disease Control and Prevention/National Healthcare Safety Network の診断基準での確定診断院内感染発生率は3.98 から2.82(p=0.162)と明らかな差は認めなかった。
 Health care-associated infections persist as a major problem in most neonatal intensive care units. Hand hygiene promotion for improving adherence has been the important measure in preventing health care-associated infections. Therefore we retrospectively evaluated the effectiveness of hand hygiene self-check list as a tool for continuous hand hygiene education and feedback, at the neonatal intensive care unit of the Aizenbashi Hospital, Japan, between June 2007 and December 2011. Monthly education using hand hygiene self-check list and its feedback was introduced in May 2009. We analyzed a 32-month follow-up survey compared to 23-month baseline period. Infant who were newly colonized with MRSA decreased from 10.91 to 1.88 per 1,000 patient-days(p < 0.0001).Consumption of alcohol hand hygiene product increased from 47.0mL to 69.2mL per patient-day(p < 0.0001).Infant who was received antibiotics after 72 hours after birth decreased 7.16 to 3.38 per 1,000 VLBWI patient-days(p < 0.0001).The health care-associated infection rate diagnosed using CDC/NHSN criteria decreased from 3.98 to 2.82 per 1,000 VLBWI patient-days, but not significant. Monthly hand hygiene promotion, using self-check list and feedback is effective in sustaining improvement of hand hygiene adherence and may reduce health-care associated infections.
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