日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 25(2):177-189;2013 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第25巻第2号 51~63頁(2013年)
Perinatal Risk Factors Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Japanese Children
*1大阪大学大学院 連合小児発達学研究科,*2大阪大学大学院 医学系研究科 小児科学
*1United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, *2Department of Pediatrics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
東 晴美*1・毛利育子*1*2・下野九理子*1*2・奥野裕子*1・橘 雅弥*2・和田和子*2・谷池雅子*1*2
Harumi AZUMA*1,Ikuko MOHRI*1*2,Kuriko KAGITANI-SHIMONO*1*2,Hiroko OKUNO*1,Masaya TACHIBANA*2,Kazuko WADA*2,Masako TANIIKE*1*2
Key Words:autism spectrum disorder,prenatal period,perinatal period,neonate,risk factors
 海外では周産期異常は自閉症スペクトラム障害(ASD)の危険因子とされているが,本邦での研究は少ない。我々はその関連を調べるために当院小児科でASD と診断された児418 名を対象に周産期情報を後方視的に解析した。結果,ASD 中,低出生体重児は15.4%で母子保健の主たる統計と比し2 倍,不妊治療による出産は13.7%で日本産科婦人科学会全国調査に比し7 倍であった。自閉症状については,攻撃的行動は妊娠中の異常と,また,限定した興味,多動・衝動性,特異な目つき,自傷,睡眠障害は新生児期の異常と有意に関連することが示唆された。超早産児5 例のASD 診断時期は平均6 歳2 カ月で,周産期異常の有無により介入や診断時期に差はなかった。本研究では低出生体重児,不妊治療を含めた周産期異常がASD 危険因子と確認され,異常発現時期によって自閉症状に違いがでる可能性が示唆された。周産期異常を認めた児は発達障害にも重点をおいたフォローアップが必要である。
OBJECTIVES:To investigate perinatal risk factors for autism spectrum disorders(ASDs)via a retrospective questionnairebased analysis.
METHODS:The study included 418 consecutive Japanese children with ASD who visited the pediatric developmental clinic at Osaka University Hospital. Questionnaires were used to obtain perinatal information. The questionnaires were completed by caregivers at their first visit. We analyzed the incidence of perinatal abnormalities in children with ASD and compared it with that obtained from population-based statistical data.
RESULTS:The incidence of low birth weight(15.4%)was 2-fold higher in ASD children compared to that reported in a Japanese population-based statistic report for maternal and child health. In addition, the incidence of birth after assisted reproductive technology(13.7%)was 7-fold higher compared to that reported in the general population in a national survey conducted by the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Among the autistic symptoms, aggressive behavior was significantly associated with abnormalities during pregnancy, while restricted interest, impulsiveness, gaze abnormality, self-injury, and sleep disorders were significantly associated with abnormalities during the neonatal period. Despite a neonatal follow-up, 5 extremely premature infants were diagnosed with ASD at a late mean age of 6 years and 2 months. The initiation of intervention and diagnosis for ASD were the same regardless of the perinatal abnormality.
CONCLUSIONS:In this study, the employment of assisted reproductive technology and perinatal abnormalities, including low birth weight, were identified as risk factors for ASD. These findings are similar to those reported in previous foreign studies. Furthermore, our data suggest that the timing of the perinatal insult may affect autistic symptoms. We believe that it is crucial to establish a system for identifying developmental disorders as early as possible in children with perinatal abnormalities.
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