日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(1):67-71;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第1号 67~71頁(2006年)
Perinatal Measles
*1沖縄県立中部病院 総合周産期母子医療センター新生児科,*2同 小児科,*3沖縄県立那覇病院
*1 Department of Neonatal Medicine, Okinawa prefectural Chubu hospital, *2 Department of Pediatrics, Okinawa prefectural Chubu hospital, *3 Department of Pediatrics, Okinawa prefectural Naha hospital
Moriyasu KOHAMA*1,Ryuichi GENKAWA*1,Tomoko MAKIYA*1, Hiroshi YOSHIMURA*2,Mami NAKAYASHIRO*2,Kaoru ASHIMINE*3
Key Words:Neonatal measles,Vaccine,Maternal infection,Pregnancy
 During 1998 to 2001, 450 cases of measles were admitted in Okinawa Chubu Hospital. Five cases of neonatal measles, 11 cases of pregnant women with measles were recorded. All of neonatal measles revealed mild symptom and rash resolved without pigmentation. Fever were also low grade or afebrile and the duration of fever were shorter than that of elder infants. In measles with pregnant women, there were 2 spontaneous abortions, and 3 threatened abortions, 6 cases were delivered spontaneously without sequale.
 One case was delivered by spontaneously during maternal measles. There were no preterm delivery. Early loss of maternally derived passive measles antibody may occur in infants of mothers who received measles vaccine because measles vaccine induces lower antibody titers than does natural infection.
 The most important thing is the prevention of measles in the community, maintaining high levels of measles immunity. The parents who have vaccine induced immunity will need second booster, and infants are recommended to achieve high vaccination rate at any year and receive second booster dose later.
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