日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(1):72-78;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第1号 72~78頁(2006年)
Re-evaluation of chronic lung disease in very low birth weight infants ―maternal, neonatal, and placental features according to the types of chronic lung disease―
神奈川県立こども医療センター 周産期医療部新生児未熟児科
Department of Neonatology, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center
渡辺達也・大山牧子・豊島勝昭・松井 潔・星野陸夫・川滝元良・猪谷泰史
Tatsuya WATANABE,Makiko OHYAMA,Katsuaki TOYOSHIMA,Kiyoshi MATSUI, Rikuo HOSHINO,Motoyoshi KAWATAKI,Yasufumi ITANI
Key Words:Very low birth weight infant,Chronic lung disease,Diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis,Chorioamnionitis,Amniotic necrosis
目的:新生児慢性肺疾患(chronic lung disease 以下CLD)を厚生省分類に準じて分け,臨床像および胎盤病理像を明らかにすることである。
方法:1998年から2003年に当院に入院した極低出生体重児のうち,CLD78例を対象とした。分類に際して,我々はⅢ型・Ⅲ' 型の“出生前感染”を,胎盤に亜急性絨毛膜羊膜炎(subacute chorioamnionitis 以下SCAM)を認めるものとし,Ⅳ型には絨毛膜羊膜炎を含めなかった。
結果:対象の平均在胎週数は26.2±2.2週,出生体重は806±212gであった。SCAMは,Ⅲ型・Ⅲ' 型で100%,Ⅱ型で5%に見られたが,その他の型ではなかった。Ⅳ型は,経産,繰り返す性器出血,び漫性絨毛膜羊膜ヘモジデローシス(diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis 以下DCH)の頻度が他の型より多かった(p<0.05)。Ⅲ型とⅣ型はレ線所見および酸素依存性などの臨床像は似ているが,胎盤所見および出生時の検査所見は明らかに違った。
Objective:Our purpose was to clarify the clinico-pathologic features according to the types of chronic lung disease(CLD)modifying the Ministry of Health and Welfare classification.
Design:Using data from retrospective charts review, we analyzed 78 very low birth weight(VLBW)infants who admitted on day 0 to the neonatal intensive care unit of Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center during 1998-2003.
We considered subacute chorioamnionitis(SCAM)as“antenatal infection”and included an infant with SCAM in the typeⅢ, Ⅲ’ unless he developed surfactant deficiency. We excluded any chorioamnionitis from the type Ⅳ.
Results:Study infants’ mean and standard deviation of gestational age and birth weight at delivery were 26.2±2.2 weeks and 806±212 grams, respectively. Frequency of CLD in VLBW-infants was 21.1%. This number and the distribution of cases according to the types were similar to those of the national study. Frequencies of SCAM in the type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅲ’, Ⅳ, Ⅴ were 0, 5, 100, 100, 0, and 0 %, respectively. Frequencies of diffuse chorioamniotic hemosiderosis (DCH)were, 13, 2.6, 29, 0, 90, 0 %, respectively. Mothers from the type Ⅳ were more likely to be multiparous and to develop recurrent episodes of genital bleeding than mothers from the other types. Placentas from the type Ⅳ were more likely to show DCH than placentas from the other types. Although chest X-ray findings and oxygen dependency were similar, placental findings and laboratory data at delivery were different between in infants from the type Ⅲ and Ⅳ.
Conclusion:DCH is an independent predisposing factor for CLD, as well as surfactant deficiency and SCAM.
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