日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 27(1):70-76;2015 |
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第27巻第1号 70 ~ 76頁(2015年) |
受付日:平成26.01.15 |
受理日:平成26.07.02 |
新生児遷延性肺高血圧症の発症に肺低形成の関与が疑われたZellweger 症候群の1 例 |
A Case of Zellweger Syndrome with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn Considered to be caused by Pulmonary Hypoplasia |
* 1 トヨタ記念病院 小児科,* 2 同 新生児科 |
* 1 Department of Pediatrics, Toyota Memorial Hospital, * 2 Department of Neonatology, Toyota Memorial Hospital |
山本英範* 1・北瀬悠磨* 1・山本ひかる* 2 |
Hidenori YAMAMOTO * 1,Yuma KITASE * 1,Hikaru YAMAMOTO * 2 |
Key Words:
Zellweger syndrome,peroxisomal biogenesis disorders,persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn,pulmonary hypoplasia,cholestasis
症例は在胎40 週6 日,出生体重2,396g の女児。他院で出生し,呼吸障害のため当院NICU へ搬送された。入院時から心機能低下を認め,その後,肺低形成に起因すると考えられた新生児遷延性肺高血圧症(persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn:PPHN)を発症したため,人工呼吸器管理下に約2 週間に及ぶ積極的な全身管理を行った。経過中に黄疸,新生児発作が出現し,遺伝子解析によりZellweger 症候群(Zellweger syndrome:ZS)と診断され,日齢89 に肝不全で永眠した。我々の知る限りではPPHN を発症したZS は過去に報告されていないが,臨床経過や過去の文献から,発症する可能性は充分に考えられた。ZS の死亡原因は肝不全や感染症が多いと考えられているが,肺低形成に起因するPPHN や肺高血圧により心機能低下を来たし死亡する症例も存在し得ることが示唆された。
Zellweger syndrome(ZS)is the most severe type of peroxisome biogenesis disorders, which will be fatal in early
infancy due to hepatic failure or infection. Here we report a case of ZS with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the
newborn(PPHN)considered to be caused by pulmonary hypoplasia. The patient was a 2,396g female full-term infant
transferred to our NICU because of dyspnea. The echocardiography on admission revealed cardiac hypofunction as 38
% of ejection fraction, thus catecholamines and steroid were required. She developed PPHN 6 hours after birth and
needed mechanical ventilation and vasodilators. After the initiation of tubal feeding, she developed cholestasis and was
transferred to surgical department of another hospital. After that she was genetically diagnosed as ZS and returned to
our NICU for terminal care. She died on the 89th day from hepatic failure. As far as we know, this is the first report of
ZS with PPHN. This case suggests that not only hepatic failure or infection but cardiac hypofunction derived from PPHN
could be a cause of death for patients with ZS. |
(c)日本未熟児新生児学会 All Rights Reserved. |