日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 27(1):114-119;2015 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第27巻第1号 114 ~ 119頁(2015年)
The Effect of Feeding Intervals on Very Low Birth Weight Infants
兵庫県立こども病院周産期医療センター 新生児科
Department of Neonatology, Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children’s Hospital, Kobe, Japan
Key Words:feeding interval,feeding intolerance,very low birth weight infant(VLBW),necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC),chronic lung disease
背景:初期栄養管理はVLBW の生後発育に極めて重要である一方,最適な経管栄養間隔については明らかではない。我々は,栄養不耐性の懸念からVLBW に対して2 時間毎注入を採用していたが,2012 年7 月より3 時間毎注入を導入した。
目的:注入間隔の変更がVLBW の臨床像に与える影響を検討すること。
方法:2011 年7 月~ 2012 年6 月の期間に出生した63 例のVLBW を前期群に,2012 年7 月~ 2013 年6 月の期間に出生した68 例を後期群に割り付けた。先天奇形,生後早期死亡は除外した。経管栄養増量は両群ともに10 ~30mL/kg/day とした。臨床像と合併症につき2 群間で比較検討した。
結果:経腸栄養確立に関して,2 群間に有意差を認めなかった。しかし,IVH とCLD の罹患率は後期群で有意な減少を認めた。多変量解析の結果,CLD に関しては小さい在胎週数と前期群が独立した予測因子であった。
結論:VLBW に対する3 時間毎注入は,経腸栄養確立に関して2 時間毎注入と同等であり,CLD の罹患率を減少させた。これらの結果については,前方視的研究による確認が必要である
Background:Enteral feeding is critical for intact survival of very low birth weight(VLBW)infants(BW<1,500g), however, optimal feeding intervals for VLBW are still unknown. Before July 2012, we initiated a 2 hourly-feeding regimen for VLBW due to concerns of feeding intolerance, and 3 hourly-feedings for larger infants(BW> or =1,500g). We then, revised our routine feeding intervals of VLBW to 3 hourly-feedings, aiming to reduce nursing contacts and unify the feeding intervals of all babies. Objective:To assess how 3 hourly-feedings for VLBW impacts on clinical outcome.
Methods:63 infants born between July 2011 and June 2012 enrolled to the 2 hourly-feeding groups(median GA=28wks, BW=922g)were compared with 68 infants born between July 2012 and June 2013 enrolled to the 3 hourly-feeding group (median GA=29wks, BW=1,042g). Infants with major congenital anomalies or dead within 72hrs of life were excluded. Delayed full feeding was defined>21d to achieve full(100mL/kg/day)enteral feedings based on the duration above 90th percentile of 2 hourly-feeding groups. Nutritional feeding advancement was aimed between 10~30mL/kg/day. Clinical course and complications were compared in both groups. Differences were deemed statistically significant when p<0.05.
Results:Enteral feeding establishment was similar in both groups. However, the incidence of IVH and CLD were significantly lower in the 3 hourly-feeding group. After Multivariate analysis, lower gestational ages and the 2 hourlyfeeding group were independent predictor of CLD.
Conclusion:3 hourly-feedings were comparable with 2 hourly-feedings in VLBW with respect to feeding intolerance, and reduced the incidence of CLD. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm these results.
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