日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 27(2):249-254;2015 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第27巻第2号 45~50頁(2015年)
生後3 ~ 4 週におきる早産児の好酸球増多とその後のアトピー性皮膚炎・食物アレルギーの発生についての検討
The Association between Eosinophilia of Preterm Infants at 3~4 Weeks of Age and the Development of Allergic Diseases(Atopic Dermatitis and Food Allergy)
*1 公立昭和病院 小児科,*2 山王病院 小児科
*1Department of Pediatrics, Showa General Hospital, *2Department of Pediatrics, Sanno Hospital
野田絵理*1・加藤昭生*1・古谷智子*1・小花奈都子*1・林 健太*1・野田雅裕*1・石川涼子*1・大場邦弘*1・小鍛治雅之*1・河野寿夫*2
Eri NODA*1,Akio KATO*1,Tomoko FURUYA*1,Natsuko OBANA*1,Kenta HAYASHI*1,Masahiro NODA*1, Ryoko ISHIKAWA*1,Kunihiro OBA*1,Masayuki KOKAJI*1,Toshio KAWANO*2
Key Words:preterm infants,eosinophilia,atopic dermatitis,egg allergy
 生後3 ~ 4 週に好酸球増多を認めた早産児のアレルギー疾患についての予後を検討した。2008 年4 月~ 2011 年3 月に公立昭和病院NICU に入院した早産児174 例,生後1 歳半から2 歳まで経過観察ができた67 例を対象とした。好酸球増多の診断はGibson の基準に準じ,ピーク時の好酸球数が700/μL 以上を好酸球増多群,700/μL 未満を非増多群とした。二群の背景(在胎週数・出生体重),アトピー性皮膚炎(AD)と食物アレルギー(FA)の発症について統計学的に検討した。背景に関して,在胎週数に有意差を認めた。好酸球増多群におけるAD の発症率は33.3%,FA(原因は全例で鶏卵)は15.2%であり,AD とFA の発症と好酸球増多という事象に有意な関連を認めた(オッズ比;3.31,95% CI;1.01 ~ 10.8,p=0.04)。以上から,生後3 ~ 4 週に好酸球増多を認める早産児は,NICU 退院後にAD やFA を発症するリスクが高く,注意深い観察が必要である。
 In this study, we investigated the relationship between eosinophilia of preterm infants at 3 ~ 4 weeks of age and the development of allergic diseases(atopic dermatitis(AD)and / or food allergy(FA)). Among the 174 preterm infants who were admitted to the NICU of Showa General Hospital from April 2008 to March 2011, we studied 67 infants whom were able to follow up until the ages of between 18 months and 24 months. Infants were divided into two groups;eosinophilia group(peak eosinophil counts≧ 700 /μL)and non-eosinophilia group(peak eosinophil counts < 700 /μL). Background of the infants(gestational age and birth weight), and the incidence of AD and / or FA were compared between two groups. Median gestational age in the eosinophilia group was significantly shorter than that in non-eosinophilia group. The incidence of AD and / or FA were 33.3% and 15.2% in the eosinophilia group. The cause of food allergy was egg in all cases. There was a positive association between eosinophilia of preterm infants and incidence of allergic diseases(AD and / or FA)(Odds ratio;3.31, 95% CI;1.01-10.8, p = 0.04). We suggest that the follow-up of preterm infants who developed eosinophilia at 3~4 weeks of age should be done with attention paid to the risk of allergic disease afterwards.
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