日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(1):53-59;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第1号 53~59頁(2006年)
Apnea due to metabolic alkalosis in a neonate ―a case report―
厚生連広島総合病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics Hiroshima General Hospital
荒新 修・守屋 真
Key Words:metabolic alkalosis,apnea,maternal metabolic alkalosis
 We report herein a neonatal case of apnea due to metabolic alkalosis. The baby was a female, born at 37 weeks and 6 days of gestational age. Her birth weight was 2,202g. Her Apgar score was 10 at 5 minutes.
 Blood gas analysis showed metabolic alkalosis since birth, and she suffered from apnea since 7 hours of age. She was treated with oxygenation and stimulation. Metabolic alkalosis was gradually improved from 37 hours of age, and since 4 days of age she did not suffer from apnea. And at 7 days of age, the metabolic alkalosis was almost normalized.
 Apnea was respiratory compensation of metabolic alkalosis, that is, hypoventilation. We thought that her metabolic alkalosis was due to maternal disease. Interrogating her mother about her pregnancy revealed that she had ingested about 1 liter of cow's milk for calcium intake everyday, and she had taken oxidized magnesium to treat constipation since 8th month of gestation. She probably suffered from milk-alkali syndrome, as suspected from her pregnant history, hypokalemia, hypochloremia and azotemia.
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