日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 28(1):47-53;2016 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第28巻 第1号 47 ~ 53頁(2016年)
肺サーファクタント蛋白C 遺伝子変異による先天性肺胞蛋白症の新生児例―自発呼吸を温存した呼吸管理と鎮静―
A neonatal Case of Congenital Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis Due to a Mutation in the Surfactant Protein C Gene
―Respiratory Management and Sedation under Spontaneous Breathing―
佐世保市立総合病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Sasebo City General Hospital
大坪善数・神戸太郎・角 至一郎
Yoshikazu OTSUBO,Taro KANBE,Muneichiro SUMI
Key Words:pulmonary alveolar proteinosis(PAP),surfactant protein C(SP-C),dexmedetomidine hydrochloride(DEX),airway pressure release ventilation(APRV),high-flow nasal cannula(HFNC)
 先天性肺胞蛋白症(pulmonary alveolar proteinosis:PAP)の新生児例を経験した。先天性PAP は極めて稀な疾患であり本邦での報告は少ない。原因として,肺サーファクタント蛋白関連遺伝子の変異が知られている。症例は在胎36 週5 日,2,534g で出生。出生直後より呼吸障害を認め,気管挿管,人工肺サーファクタント投与で呼吸状態は改善せず呼吸器離脱に難渋した。臨床経過,間質性肺疾患の血清マーカーの上昇,肺サーファクタント蛋白C(SP-C)遺伝子変異(c.134T>G, p.Leu45Arg)を認め先天性PAP と診断した。急性期の呼吸管理として,従来の間欠的強制換気ではなく,高い持続気道陽圧によるopen lung や自発呼吸温存を目的とした気道圧開放換気が有用であった。また抜管後のネーザルハイフローも効果的であり,塩酸デクスメデトミジンによる鎮静はこれらの呼吸管理を容易にした。
 We report on a neonatal case with congenital pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (pulmonary alveolar proteinosis:PAP) who developed respiratory symptoms immediately after birth. Congenital PAP is a rare disease accounting for no more than 1% of all PAP cases. The morbidity rate in Japan is estimated to be 0.07 to 0.09 per 100,000 births. This disease is known to result from genetic mutations in the granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptor, pulmonary surfactant protein B (SP-B), pulmonary surfactant protein C (SP-C), or ATP-binding cassette protein A3(ABCA3). The patient was born weighing 2,534 g at 36 weeks of gestation. The patient was transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit due to respiratory distress with cyanosis immediately after birth. The patient was intubated and intratracheal pulmonary surfactant was administered but was not effective. The patient’s respiratory status worsened, requiring mechanical ventilation. The clinical course, laboratory data, and chest computed tomography suggested a diagnosis of congenital PAP. Genetic analysis results showed a mutation in the SP-C gene (c.134T>G, p. Leu45Arg). Differing from conventional intermittent mandatory ventilation( IMV), airway pressure release ventilation( APRV) that maintains high airway pressure for open-lung and spontaneous breathing was effective. High-flow nasal cannula( HFNC) therapy provided effective respiratory management after extubation. Sedation with dexmedetomidine hydrochloride(DEX) facilitated these respiratory management procedures. The patient was weaned from mechanical ventilation at 50 days and discharged 77 days after birth. The clinical course, respiratory management, and sedation are discussed in this case report.
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