日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 28(2):250-254;2016 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第28巻 第2号 26~30頁(2016年)
Neonatal Disseminated Herpes Simplex Virus Infection with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
和歌山県立医科大学附属病院 総合周産期母子医療センター NICU
Division of NICU, Department of Perinatal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
津野嘉伸・奥谷貴弘・比嘉明日美・坊岡美奈・熊谷 健・吉川徳茂
Yoshinobu TSUNO,Takahiro OKUTANI,Asumi HIGA,Mina BOUOKA,Takeshi KUMAGAI,Norishige YOSHIKAWA
Key Words:neonatal herpes simplex virus infection,acyclovir,hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,hypercytokinemia
 症例は在胎38 週,体重3,290g で経膣分娩にて出生した女児。母体外陰部に潰瘍性病変や水疱はなかった。母体は分娩2 日後より発熱,児は日齢5 より発熱,日齢11 に肝機能障害の増悪,血小板減少のため新生児搬送。右背部に水疱を認め,後に全身型単純ヘルペスウイルス(herpes simplex virus,以下HSV)感染症と診断。高フェリチン血症を呈し,骨髄検査で血球貪食像を認めた。血球貪食性リンパ組織球症(hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,以下HLH)に対しステロイドパルス療法,デキサメサゾン投与を行い,全身型HSV 感染症に対し21 日間のアシクロビル静注,さらに播種性血管内凝固症候群に対する治療を併用し救命できた。現在2 歳4 か月で明らかな神経学的後遺症は認めていない。HLH を合併した全身型HSV 感染症は予後不良であるが,早期発見および積極的治療介入により予後が改善する可能性が示唆された。
 An 11-day-old female infant was transferred to our NICU with fever, progressive liver dysfunction, and coagulopathy. Upon admission, a vesicle was found on the patient’s back and severe hepatosplenomegaly was also observed. High-dose intravenous acyclovir (ACV, 60mg/kg/day) was administered empirically. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) typeⅠ genome was subsequently detected from the patient’s serum and cerebrospinal fluid( CSF).
 Bone marrow aspiration demonstrated hemophagocytosis, thus the patient was diagnosed with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis( HLH) due to disseminated HSV typeⅠ infection.
 Methylprednisolone (30mg/kg/day) was administered for three days, after which dexamethasone was administered for prolonged hypercytokinemia due to HLH.
 The patient’s liver dysfunction and coagulopathy gradually recovered. After 21 days of intravenous ACV administration, HSV-DNA could not be detected in the blood and CSF by real-time PCR methods. The patient is developing normally without any signs of neurological deficits at 2 years of age.
 The prognosis of neonatal disseminated HSV infection with HLH is still very poor. The administration of not only highdose ACV therapy for HSV but also anti-inflammatory treatment, including steroids, may contribute to better outcomes.
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