日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(1):91-97;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第1号 91~97頁(2006年)
The Survey of the Perinatal Medicine in JAPAN at 2002
*1 埼玉県立小児医療センター 未熟児新生児科,*2 兵庫県立こども病院
*1 Division of the Neonatology, Saitama Children’s Medical Center, *2 Hyogo Prefectural Kobe Children’s Hospital
清水正樹*1・大野 勉*1・中村 肇*2
Masaki SHIMIZU*1,Tsutomu OHNO*1,Hajime NAKAMURA*2
Key Words:survey,perinatal,neonatal,medical service
 We report the survey of the actual statement of the perinatal medicine in JAPAN at 2002. We conducted a medical survey with questionnaires for 31 institutions of the authorized general perinatal medical center(general center)and 281 institutions of the regional perinatal medical center(regional center)and the tertiary medical institution which has NICU(tertiary center)from January 1 to December 31, in 2001. The response rates were 90.3% in the general perinatal center and 78.6% in the regional and tertiary center. In the general centers, the medical facilities and the medical staffs were fit the requirement for the authorized general perinatal medical center, and these centers had treated the severe high-risk neonates. While 22.2% of the regional and tertiary centers have more than nine beds of criterion of the authorized general perinatal medical center and about the 20.8% of them were reached criterion for equipment. In the conclusions of the survey, many of the regional perinatal medical center and the tertiary medical center couldn’t perform the sufficient medical care because the numbers of perinatal medical staff were deficient. The national fundamental and administrative supports to improving the perinatal medical health service are necessary.
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