日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 28(2):261-265;2016 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第28巻 第2号 37~41頁(2016年)
The Effect of Diazoxide Treatment on Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia in Neonates
*1奈良県総合医療センター 新生児集中治療室, *2独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構星ヶ丘医療センター 小児科
*1Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,Nara Prefecture General Medical Center, *2Department of Pediatrics,Hoshigaoka Medical Center
小林遼平*1・田村玲子*2・梶本昂宏*1・新居育世*1・安原 肇*1・恵美須礼子*1・扇谷綾子*1・箕輪秀樹*1
Ryohei KOBAYASHI*1,Reiko TAMURA*2,Takahiro KAJIMOTO*1,Ikuyo ARAI*1,Hajime YASUHARA*1,Reiko EBISU*1,Ayako OHGITANI*1,Hideki MINOWA*1
Key Words:hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia,diazoxide,infants
 高インスリン血性低血糖症は低血糖が遷延し,神経学的後遺症を来しうるため適切な血糖管理が必要である。当院にて高インスリン血性低血糖症と診断しジアゾキシド投与を行った10症例の臨床像を検討し,今後の管理方針について考察した。周産期因子は,胎盤の梗塞が6例(60%),胎児機能不全が6例(60%),帝王切開が7例(70%),small for gestational ageが8例(80%)に認められた。ジアゾキシドの有効投与量は8~12mg/kg/day であり,有効量を投与すれば効果発現は早く,翌日には血糖値は安定した。副作用は少ないが,肝機能異常により1例が中止,尿量減少および浮腫のみられた超低出生体重児の1 例で中止もしくは減量が検討された。予後は,慢性肺疾患のある1例で運動発達の遅れを認めたが,他の9例はすべて順調に経過している。
 In infants, hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia causes prolonged hypoglycemia, which may lead to neurological damage. Thus, adequate blood sugar management is extremely important for these infants. We studied the clinical features and management of 10 infants diagnosed with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia who were treated with diazoxide at Nara Prefecture General Medical Center. These infants were born under the following conditions:6 (60%) with placental infarction, 6 (60%) with fetal dysfunction, 7 (70%) delivered via Caesarean section, and 8 (80%) were small for their gestational age. All infants received an effective diazoxide dose of 8 ~ 12mg/kg/day, which rapidly improved hypoglycemia;blood sugar levels had stabilized by the following day. Diazoxide did not cause numerous side effects; however, in one infant, treatment was stopped due to impaired liver function;and, in one infant with extremely low birth weight, a dose reduction was considered due to oliguria and edema. In terms of prognosis, one infant with chronic lung disease developed motor retardation;however, the remaining 9 infants are currently developing normally.
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