日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 28(2):273-280;2016 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第28巻 第2号 49~56頁(2016年)
超低出生体重児のearly parenteral nutrition における血清BUN 値の検討
Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentrations in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants during Parenteral Nutrition
*1公益財団法人東京都保健医療公社 荏原病院 小児科, *2昭和大学 医学部 小児科学講座
*1Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Treatment Corporation Ebara Hospital
*2Department of Pediatrics, Showa University School of Medicine
滝 元宏*1*2・鈴木 学*2・中野有也*2・宮沢篤生*2・村瀬正彦*2・櫻井基一郎*2・水野克己*2・板橋家頭夫*2
Motohiro TAKI*1*2,Manabu SUZUKI*2,Yuuya NAKANO*2,Tokuo MIYAZAWA*2,Masahiko MURASE*2,Motoichirou SAKURAI*2,Katsumi MIZUNO*2,Kazuo ITABASHI*2
Key Words:extremely low birth weight infants,parenteral nutrition,blood urea nitrogen,
SGA(small for gestational age),hyperammonemia
 Early parenteral nutrition(EPN)は,極低出生体重児の発育に占める体構成(特に蛋白蓄積)を胎児発育に類似させることにより,長期にわたる成長・発達予後の向上をめざすことを目標として行われる。本邦では出生後24時間以内のEPN を実施している施設は未だ少なく,これは代謝異常の出現に対する懸念にあるものと推測される。
 EPN施行中の血清BUN値は,未熟性が強いほど,経腸栄養確立が遅いほど上昇した。また,子宮内での成長が緩やかなほど,血清BUN値が低値で,SGA児は生後早期の蛋白同化能が低い可能性が示唆された。血中BUN 値は同時点のアミノ酸投与量や高NH3血症との有意な関連は認められなかった。
 高NH3血症を伴わないBUN<60mg/dL程度の増加で,異化の改善が認められる経過であれば,EPN を継続して構わないと思われた。
Objective:At present, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is commonly used as a marker of protein intolerance in preterm infants. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between amino-acid intake and BUN concentrations during the first 2 weeks in extremely low birth weight infants.
Subjects and Method:A retrospective review of BUN concentration data from 103 extremely low birth weight preterm infants receiving parenteral nutrition in the neonatal intensive care unit of Showa University Hospital from 2005 to 2014 was performed. Infants receiving parenteral nutrition( receiving ≧2.0g/kg/day of amino acids( AA) within 24 hours or a maximum of ≧3.0g/kg/day of AA).
Results:By linear regression analyses, there was a significant correlation between BUN concentration and gestational age (p<0.01, r2=0.40), and SD score at birth weight (p<0.01 and r2=0.32) and day of achieving full enteral feeding (100mL/kg/day)(p=0.01 and r2=0.06). In multiple regression analyses, the factors associated with BUN concentrations were gestational age, SD score at birth weight, and day of achieving full enteral feeding( 100mL/kg/day). In parenterally nourished preterm neonates, amino-acid intake is not correlated with BUN concentration in the first 2 weeks of life. There is also no correlation between BUN concentration and NH3 concentration.
Conclusions: Limiting amino-acid intake based on BUN concentration is not warranted in this patient population. However, evidence is still insufficient, and a large scale prospective study is necessary.
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