日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 29(1):91-96;2017  |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第29巻 第1号 91~96頁(2017年) |
受付日:平成28.02.09 |
受理日:平成28.08.03 |
極低出生体重児の6歳時におけるWISC-Ⅳの指標および下位検査 |
Indexes and Subtests in WISC-Ⅳ at the Age of Six in Very Low Birth Weight Infants |
*1愛知県厚生農業協同組合連合会海南病院 小児科,*2同 精神科(臨床心理士),*3武庫川女子大学 文学部 心理・社会福祉学科 |
* 1 Department of Pediatrics, Aichi Prefectural Welfare Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives Kainan Hospital
* 2 Clinical Psychologist, Aichi Prefectural Welfare Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives Kainan Hospital
* 3 Graduate School of Clinical Education Research Institute for Education, Mukogawa Women’s University |
小久保 稔*1・松永幸恵*1・鈴木敦詞*1・浜田実邦*1・一木 貴*1・濱田葉子*2・岡 和代*2・石川道子*3 |
Minoru KOKUBO*1,Yukie MATSUNAGA*1,Atsushi SUZUKI*1,Miho HAMADA*1,Takashi ICHIKI*1,Youko HAMADA*2,Kazuyo OKA*2,Michiko ISHIKAWA*3 |
Key Words:W echsler intelligence scale for children- fourth edition( WISC-Ⅳ),very low birth weight infant( VLBWI),intelligence quotient( IQ),index,subtest
極低出生体重児に対して,小学校に就学する前にウェクスラー児童知能検査第4 版(Wechsler intelligence scale for children-fourth edition:WISC-Ⅳ)を施行し,その指標得点および全検査知能指数(full scale intelligence quotient:FSIQ)算出に使用した下位検査評価点を検討した。対象30例中29例で4つの指標得点間に有意な差を認めたため,FSIQ の評価には慎重な解釈が必要と思われた。指標内の下位検査評価点で有意差を認めた例は,言語理解指標4例,知覚推理指標3例,ワーキングメモリー指標5 例,処理速度指標6例であった。それらの有意な差は,個人の能力のアンバランスを示唆し,小学校入学後に問題が生じる可能性もあると考えられる。単にFSIQのみに目を向けるのではなく,その中の指標得点および下位検査評価点に注目することは,その児の特性を知り,支援につなげるという点からも,重要であると思われた。 |
We evaluated WISC-Ⅳ for those infants who were born at a very low birth weight at the age of six just prior to enrolling in primary school. Four indexes and ten IQ subtests were measured, which were used to calculate the FSIQ. In many cases significant differences between indexes were observed, which indicates that the pediatrician needs to interpret the data carefully. There were significant differences in subtests as well. These differences mean differences in individual development and could lead to several problems after the patients are enrolled in primary school. These findings show and advocate that it is important for the pediatrician to check not only the FSIQ but also indexes and subtests to understand the characteristics of the patients in order to support these individuals. |
(c)日本新生児成育医学会 All Rights Reserved. |