日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 29(2):339-346;2017 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第29巻 第2号 65~72頁(2017年)
An Extremely Premature Infant with Cytomegalovirus Infection Who Died Despite the Administration of Ganciclovir
獨協医科大学 医学部 小児科学
Department of Pediatrics, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine
市川純子・渡部功之・栗林良多・坪井弥生・今高城治・鈴村 宏・有阪 治
Key Words:cytomegalovirus,extremely preterm infant,pneumonia,ganciclovir,foscarnet
 症例は在胎24 週,591g で出生した女児。日齢20 に血小板減少と呼吸障害が出現,血清サイトメガロウイルス(cytomegalovirus:CMV)IgM 抗体陽性化などからCMV 肺炎と診断し,日齢42 からガンシクロビル(ganciclovir:GCV)を14 日間投与したところやや改善した。しかし,日齢73 にCMV 肺炎再燃と肝炎を認めた。日齢80 から再びGCV 投与を行ったが尿中CMV-DNA 陽性が持続し,GCV の副作用が出現したため,GCV は42 日間で投与を中止した。その後呼吸障害,肝不全が進行し,日齢131 に死亡した。GCV 再投与後の日齢118 で血中CMV-DNA は感度以下であったが,GCV 中止後4 日目には再び陽性化した。母乳から検出されたCMV でGCV 耐性遺伝子変異は認めなかった。
 早産児のCMV 感染症では通常GCV が有効であるが,GCV の効果に乏しい場合は,副作用に注意しながら長期使用を行うか,またはホスカルネットなどの代替治療を検討する必要がある。
 The patient was a female infant who was born at 24 gestational weeks with a birth weight of 591g. The patient developed low platelet counts and respiratory insufficiency 20 days after birth. The patient was diagnosed with cytomegalovirus( CMV) pneumonia and the serum CMV IgM-antibody results were positive. The patient was treated with ganciclovir( GCV) for 2 weeks starting from 42 days of age. However, CMV pneumonia and hepatitis relapsed at 73 days of age. GCV was again started from 80 days of age; however, the patient’s urine CMV-DNA remained positive and GCV administration was discontinued after adverse reactions to GCV were observed at 122 days of age. Thereafter, respiratory insufficiency and hepatic failure progressed and the patient died at 131 days of age. Serum CMV-DNA was undetectable at 118 days of age after readministration of GCV, but became positive again 4 days after discontinuing GCV. GCV-resistance related mutations were not observed in the CMV detected in breast milk.
 GCV administration is typically effective in treating CMV infections in preterm infants. However, if the effects are not sufficient, long-term treatment with GCV while managing adverse reactions or alternatives, such as foscarnet, should be considered.
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