日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 29(2):347-355;2017 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第29巻 第2号 73~81頁(2017年)
Assessment of New Skin Care Methods for Infants Focused on Cleansing and Moisturizing Soon after Birth
*1医療法人社団桐杏会メディカルパーク湘南,*2聖マリアンナ医科大学横浜市西部病院 周産期センター 新生児部門,*3東海大学医学部付属病院 専門診療学系小児科学
* 1 Medical Park Shonan,* 2 Department of Neonatology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine Yokohama City Seibu Hospital,* 3 Department of Pediatrics, Tokai University School of Medicine Hospital
正木 宏*1*2*3・野渡正彦*1・田中雄大*1
Hiroshi MASAKI * 1 * 2 * 3,Masahiko NOWATARI * 1,Yudai TANAKA * 1
Key Words:dry technique( DT),vernix caseosa,cleansing,moisturizer,moisturizing care
 ドライテクニック(dry technique:DT)は,新生児の皮膚ケアとして本邦でも普及しているが,その長期的有益性に関する報告はない。我々は,DT に基づく皮膚ケアを実践していた施設における1 か月健診での皮膚トラブルの多さに鑑み,新たな新生児の皮膚ケア方法の導入を試み,導入前後での医師,看護スタッフ双方の主観的評価を検討した。新法は,生後12 時間以降の日齢1 から連日シャワー浴を行い,皮膚洗浄は弱酸性泡沫洗浄剤を用い素手で実施し,無理な胎脂の除去は避けた。また沐浴後に市販の保湿剤にて全身保湿を行い退院後の継続も指導した。新法導入後,医師の評価では1 か月健診時の皮膚トラブル発現率が有意に低下し,看護スタッフは,アンケートにて全員が1 か月健診時の皮膚状態が改善したと回答した。我々が試みた生後早期からの「洗浄と保湿」は,新生児,乳児期の皮膚の成育に良い効果をもたらす可能性が示唆された。
 The dry technique (DT) for skincare provided to infants is common throughout Japan. However, there have been no reports of its long-term benefits. Because of the high frequency of skin problems noted at 1-month checkups at facilities that administer skincare based on DT, we introduced a new type of skincare for infants. Furthermore, we analyzed subjective evaluations of the new method from both doctors and nursing staff before and after its introduction. With the new method, infants were showered 12 h after birth at 1 day of age, after which their skin was cleansed using bare hands and an acidulous foam cleanser. Excessive removal of the vernix caseosa was avoided. After bathing, the infant’s full body was moisturized and mothers were instructed to continue with this care after being discharged from the hospital. At the 1-month checkup, subjective evaluations from doctors indicated that skin problem rates significantly decreased compared with evaluations prior to the introduction of the new method. In the subjective evaluation from nursing staff, all responses to the survey indicated that skin condition improved at the 1-month checkup compared with the condition prior to the introduction of the new method. Our results suggest that the introduction of appropriate cleansing and full body moisturizing soon after birth could offer beneficial effects to the development of skin throughout the infancy period.
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