日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 29(2):368-372;2017 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第29巻 第2号 94~98頁(2017年)
A Case Report of a Full-Term Infant Presenting with Thrombosis at Birth
公立昭和病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Showa General Hospital
名井栄実菜・野田雅裕・田村恵美・林 健太・大場邦弘・小鍛治雅之
Emina NAI,Masahiro NODA,Emi TAMURA,Kenta HAYASHI,Kunihiro OHBA,Masayuki KOKAJI
Key Words:neonate,thrombosis,heparin,anticoagulant therapy
 身体所見では,左下肢全体が蒼白で,大腿動脈が触知不能であり,動脈血栓症を疑い,画像所見では,骨盤下肢血管造影CT で,左外腸骨動脈から大腿動脈にかけて造影不良域が認められたため,左大腿動脈血栓症と診断した。
 本症例の血栓症に対して,ヘパリンナトリウムによる治療を日齢4 まで行い,児は頭蓋内出血などの合併症なく,退院することができた。現在1 歳半の時点で後遺症なく成長,発達している。
 近年,血栓症の治療として,tissue-plasminogen activator(t-PA)による治療が多いが,安価で可逆性があり,APTT という指標を持つヘパリンナトリウムでも,安全に治療が可能であったため,これを報告する。
 Neonatal thrombosis is a rare condition that tends to occur in preterm infants. The condition is most frequently of iatrogenic origin and may be caused by indwelling catheters. Here, we report our experience with a full-term infant who presented with thrombosis at birth.
 Physical findings included a pale left lower leg and impalpable femoral artery. Thrombosis was suspected and a computed tomography angiography of the pelvis and legs revealed a hypo-enhanced region extending from the left external iliac artery to the femoral artery, leading to a diagnosis of left femoral artery thrombosis.
 Heparin sodium was used to treat the thrombosis until postnatal day four. There were no complications, such as intracranial hemorrhage, and the infant was released from the hospital. At the age of 1.5 years, the infant had developed normally without sequelae.
 The cause of the left femoral artery thrombosis was unclear.
 Thrombosis is often treated with tissue plasminogen activators. However, the present patient was treated with heparin sodium as an inexpensive, reversible alternative for safe monitoring with activated partial thromboplastin time.
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