日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 30(1):39-47;2018 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第30巻 第1号 39-47頁(2018年)
先天性心疾患を合併した18 トリソミーへの積極的治療と予後―広島市周産期医療圏での検討―
Prognosis of Patients with Trisomy 18 after Cardiac Surgery ―An analysis of Perinatal Medical Centers in Hiroshima City―
*1あかね会土谷総合病院 小児科, *2県立広島病院 新生児科, *3広島市民病院 新生児科, *4広島大学病院 小児科
*1Department of Pediatrics, Tsuchiya General Hospital, *2Department of Neonatology, Hiroshima Prefectural Hospital, *3Department of Neonatology, Hiroshima City Hiroshima Citizens Hospital, *4Department of Pediatrics, Hiroshima University Hospital
田原昌博*1・福原里恵*2・西村 裕*3・大野令央義*4・真田和哉*1・新田哲也*1・下薗彩子*1
Masahiro TAHARA*1,Rie FUKUHARA*2,Yutaka NISHIMURA*3,Norioki OHNO*4, Kazuya SANADA*1,Tetsuya NITTA*1,Saiko SHIMOZONO*1
Key Words:18 trisomy,cardiac-related death,pulmonary artery hypertension,convulsion,prognosis
 2006 ~ 2015 年に広島市内の4 つの周産期母子医療センターで管理した18 トリソミー(18T)47 例を心臓手術施 行(C 群)30 例と未施行(N 群)17 例に分類し,臨床経過について後方視的に検討した。抜管率はC 群60%(15 例中9 例),N 群23%(13 例中3 例)でありC 群で有意に高かった(p<0.05)。無呼吸発作は28 例(60%)が発症 し,10 例(21%)が気管切開を施行した。20 例(43%)が痙攣を発症した。生存退院はC 群26 例(87%),N 群2 例(12%)でありC 群で有意に多かった(p<0.01)。生存率はC 群が有意に高く(p<0.01),C 群:N 群で1 か月 100%:77%,6 か月87%:35%,1 年84%:0%,3 年53%:0%であった。主な死因はC 群15 例中心臓関連死(CRD) 5 例(33%),痙攣3 例(20%),N 群17 例中CRD11 例(65%),感染3 例(18%)であった。CRD 例の術後肺体 血圧比はその他と比べて有意に高値であった(0.57±0.12:0.39±0.14)(p<0.01)。18T では心臓手術で抜管率,生 存退院率,生存率が有意に向上したが,早期に心臓手術を行っても,18T の特徴的な肺組織所見によりCRD に至る 場合もある。
 The major causes of death in patients with trisomy 18 are heart failure and pulmonary hemorrhage due to congenital heart disease. To clarify the effectiveness of cardiac surgery in patients with trisomy 18, we retrospectively analyzed 47 consecutive patients with trisomy 18 and congenital heart diseases who had been hospitalized in perinatal medical centers in Hiroshima city between 2006 and 2015. Thirty patients underwent cardiac surgery(Group C), and the remaining 17 patients did not receive surgical cardiac intervention(Group N). The extubation ratio was significantly higher in Group C(9/15, 60%)than in Group N(3/13, 23%)(p<0.05). Twenty-eight of the 47 patients presented with apnea(obstructive, n=21;central, n=4;mixed, n=3), and 10 patients underwent tracheotomy. Twenty patients(43%)had a history of convulsions. The discharge rate was significantly higher in Group C(26/30, 87%)than in Group N(2/17, 12%)(p< 0.01). Survival rates were significantly higher in Group C than in Group N(Group C:100%, 87%, 84% and 53%;Group N:77%, 35%, 0% and 0% at the ages of 1month, 6months, 1year, and 3years, respectively;p<0.01 each). The major causes of death were cardiac-related(5/15, 33%)and convulsions(3/15:20%)in Group C, and cardiac-related(11/17, 65%)and infections(3/17, 18%)in Group N. In addition, the ratio of pulmonary to systemic pressure after pulmonary artery banding was significantly higher in the patients who experienced cardiac-related death(0.57±0.12)when compared with others(0.39±0.14)(p<0.01). Cardiac surgery was effective in patients with trisomy 18 in terms of extubation ratio, hospital discharge and prolonged survival. However, several of the patients with trisomy 18 died due to cardiac-related complications caused by their distinctive pulmonary histology findings even though cardiac surgeries were performed early.
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