日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 18(2):225-231;2006 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第18巻 第2号 35~41頁(2006年)
新生児消化器外科疾患の術後に発症したミルクアレルギー ―3症例の報告と全国アンケート調査―
Three cases of milk allergy developed after surgical operations of neonatal gastro-intestinal disorders ―Case reports with national survey conducted on this occasion―
*1大阪市立総合医療センター 新生児科,*2大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 発達小児医学,*3淀川キリスト教病院 小児科
*1 Department of Neonatology, Osaka City General Hospital, *2 Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, *3 Department of Pediatrics, Yodogawa Christian Hospital
李 進剛*1・市場博幸*1*2・江原英治*1・今村卓司*1・郡山 健*1・松波聡子*1・伊藤友紀子*1*3
Shingou RI*1,Hiroyuki ICHIBA*1*2,Eiji EHARA*1,Takuji IMAMURA*1, Takeshi KOURIYAMA*1,Satoko MATSUNAMI*1,Yukiko ITOH*1*3
Key Words:milk allergy,neonate,congenital gastrointestinal malformation
 We experienced three cases of milk allergy developed after surgical treatments of neonatal gastro-intestinal disorders, including spontaneous gastric perforation, gastroschisis and duodenal stenosis. After surgical treatments, initiation of enteral formurla feeding appeared to induce milk allergy. Although similar cases of milk allergy after neonatal surgery have been reported in other institutes, the precise pathogenesis for this symptom remains unclear. Therefore, we conducted a survey by sending the questionnaire on the milk allergy after neonatal gastrointestinal surgery to level 2 and 3 NICUs in Japan. The survey revealed that there were 2,400 reported cases of neonatal gastro-intestinal disorders between 2002 and 2003, and among them seven cases were reported to develop milk allergy after surgical treatments. It was speculated that operative invasion, inflammation and congenital abnormality of intestinal mucosal structure might contribute to the pathogenesis of milk allergy. It should be noted that milk allergy be in mind for neonates who receive surgical treatments of neonatal gastro-intestinal disorders.
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