日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 30(2):338-343;2018 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第30巻 第2号 90~95頁(2018年)
An Infant with External Hydrocephalus without History of Intraventricular Hemorrhage:A Case Report
*1東京女子医科大学病院 小児科,*2フジ虎の門整形外科病院
*1Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, *2Department of Pediatric Neurology, Fuji Toranomon Orthopedic Hospital
佐藤友哉*1・平澤恭子*1・竹下暁子*1・吉川陽子*1・塩田睦記*2・永田 智*1
Yuya SATO*1,Kyoko HIRASAWA*1,Akiko TAKESHITA*1, Yoko YOSHIKAWA*1,Mutsuki SHIOTA*2,Satoru NAGATA*1
Key Words:external hydrocephalus,very-low-birth weight infant,enlargement of head circumference,head MRI
 出血後水頭症は極低出生体重児において神経学的予後を決定する大切な要因である。今回,新生児期に明らかな 脳室内出血の既往がないにもかかわらず外水頭症をきたし外科的治療を要した極低出生体重児の症例を経験したた めに報告する。
 在胎27 週5 日,胎児水腫のために帝王切開で出生した。Apgar スコアは2 点(1 分)/7 点(5 分),出生時体重 は1,250g であった。新生児呼吸窮迫症候群および頻拍があり,NICU 管理となった。入院中明らかな脳室内出血の 既往なく,日齢85 に体重2,630g で退院した。退院前の頭部MRI では明らかな異常はなかった。修正3 か月時に頭 囲の拡大と頭蓋内圧亢進症状を認め,画像検査で脳室拡大と前頭葉から側頭葉の硬膜下腔の拡大を認め外水頭症と 診断した。脳室腹腔シャント術を施行した結果,速やかに症状の改善と発達の促進を認めた。
 Post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus is one of the risk factors for neurological sequelae in very low birth weight( VLBW) infants. Most external hydrocephalus cases, however, have been reported to have rather good outcomes without surgical intervention. Here, we report on a VLBW infant with no history of intraventricular hemorrhage( IVH) during the neonatal period who developed intracranial hypertension( ICH) due to external hydrocephalus.
 The patient had been delivered prematurely by Cesarean section. The patient’s gestational age was 27 weeks and 5 days and weighed 1,250g. Although the infant presented with respiratory distress syndrome requiring artificial respiration, no significant IVH was observed on MRIs obtained before the patient was discharged from the NICU. The patient was discharged at 85 days of age( corrected age of 40 weeks and 2 days). At a corrected age of 3 months, the patient presented with a large head circumference, as well as ICH symptoms such as irritability, abnormal eye movements, and tense anterior fontanel with stagnant development. CTs and MRIs taken at that time showed enlargement of the subarachnoidal space over the frontal to temporal area with mild enlargement of the lateral ventricles. Shunt placement surgery was deemed necessary and a ventricular peritoneal shunt procedure was performed at a corrected age of 4 months. The patient’s development subsequently showed apparent improvement.
 Based on the findings for this case, we suggest that, in VLBW infants, even those without definitive IVH, the risk of hydrocephalus may warrant a surgical procedure. Thus, it would be important to assess symptoms and signs possibly caused by developed intracranial pressure, such as an enlarged head circumference or tension of the anterior fontanel, as well as conducting developmental follow-up for all VLBW infants, even those without a history of IVH.
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