日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 30(2):356-362;2018  |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第30巻 第2号 108~114頁(2018年) |
受付日:平成30.01.30 |
受理日:平成30.03.29 |
新たな皮膚ケア導入後2 年の検証 |
Evaluation over a Two-Year Period after the Introduction of a New Skin Care Procedure Based on
Taking Showers and Moisturizing the Entire Body Starting from the Early Postnatal Period |
*1 医療法人社団桐杏会メディカルパーク湘南,
*2 聖マリアンナ医科大学横浜市西部病院 周産期センター新生児部門,
*3 東海大学 医学部 専門診療学系 小児科学 |
*1 Medical Park Shonan,
*2 Department of Neonatology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine Yokohama City Seibu Hospital,
*3 Department of Pediatrics, Tokai University School of Medicine |
正木 宏*1*2*3・田中雄大*1 |
Hiroshi MASAKI*1*2*3,Yudai TANAKA*1 |
Key Words:shower washing,whole body moisturizing,dry technique(DT) |
我々は,呼吸循環動態が安定した生後12 時間以降の日齢1 から連日,弱酸性泡沫洗浄剤を用いた素手によるシャ
した。新法導入後,医師の主観的評価による1 か月健診時の皮膚トラブル発現率が有意に低下し,乳児期以降の長
期的な皮膚の成育にも良い効果をもたらす可能性があることを本学会誌に報告した 1)。今回,新法導入後の2 年を
1 年毎に2 期間で比較し,皮膚トラブル発症率,発現率ともに経年的差異なく低値を維持した。また,新法導入前
また,2 期間の季節別比較では,皮膚トラブル発症率が,秋季に比し春季で有意に低値となり,乳児期の皮膚状態
には,季節を含む皮膚を取り巻く環境の変化も関与する可能性が示唆された。 |
We introduced a new skin care procedure based on showering and moisturizing the entire body starting from the early
postnatal period as part of routine practice. Briefly, the new procedure comprises showering and cleaning the body with
bare hands using a mildly acidic foam cleanser and using a moisturizer on the entire body immediately after washing. Once
cardiorespiratory dynamics stabilized 12 h after birth, the procedure was performed every day. In addition, instructions on
the procedure were given so that the procedure could be performed at home. After the procedure was introduced, the incidence
of skin problems identified during a one-month health checkup based on subjective assessments by physicians was
significantly reduced. We reported in this journal that the procedure may have a positive impact on long-term skin growth
after infancy 1). In the present study, we evaluated subjects over a two-year period after the new procedure was introduced.
The incidence and rates of appearance of skin problems were demonstrated as remaining low, with no appreciable differences
over time, and there were no changes over time in tendencies toward more localized and less complex skin problems.
These results suggest that stable effects are expected. In addition, seasonal comparisons over the two-year period revealed
that the incidence of skin problems significantly decreased in the spring( March–May), suggesting that the environment
is related to skin conditions during infancy. |
(c)日本新生児成育医学会 All Rights Reserved. |