日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 31(1):90-96;2019 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第31巻 第1号 90~96頁(2019年)
極低出生体重児と自閉スペクトラム症児の3 歳時の発達特徴の比較
Comparison of Developmental Features between Children with Very Low Birth Weight and Autism Spectrum Disorder at 3 Years of Age
* 1 神戸大学医学部附属病院 小児科, * 2 姫路市総合福祉通園センター, * 3 日本大学医学部 小児科学系 小児科学分野
* 1 Department of Pediatrics, Kobe University Hospital, * 2 Himeji City Center for the Disabled, * 3 Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Nihon University School of Medicine
万代ツルエ* 1・前山花織* 1・岩谷壮太* 1・藤岡一路* 1・北山真次* 2・飯島一誠* 1・森岡一朗* 1 * 3
Tsurue MANDAI * 1,Kaori MAEYAMA * 1,Sota IWATANI * 1,Kazumichi FUJIOKA * 1, Shinji KITAYAMA * 2,kazumoto IIJIMA * 1,Ichiro MORIOKA * 1 * 3
Key Words:very low birth weight,autism spectrum disorder,case-control study, Kyoto scale of psychological development 2001
目的:極低出生体重(VLBW)児は自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)児と発達特徴の共通点が報告されているが,相違 点もあると考えられる。VLBW 児とASD 児の3 歳時点での発達的特徴の相違点を明らかにすることを目的とした。
対象・方法:ASD 児で,3 歳時に新版K 式発達検査2001 を施行した児18 名のうちDQ70 以上の14 名(ASD 群) を抽出した。VLBW 児で,3 歳時に新K 式2001 を施行した172 名中,ASD 群と全領域DQ をマッチさせた28 名 (VLBW 群)で検査項目の通過率を比較・検討した。
結果:VLBW 群はASD 群に比べて「家の模倣」,「四角構成 例後」,「形の弁別Ⅱ 10/10」,「絵の名称Ⅱ 5/6」,「色 の名称 3/4」,「13 の丸10 まで」,「4 つの積木」,「左右弁別 全逆」の通過率が有意に低く(p<0.05),「表情理解Ⅰ」, 「表情理解Ⅱ」の通過率が高かった(p<0.1)。
結論:VLBW 児はASD 児に比べて空間認知・構成力・知識・数の力が弱く,他者の感情を推測する力が強い傾向 にあった。
Background:Developmental features in some children born with very low birth weight (VLBW), with birth weight < 1,500g, are similar to those in children with autism spectrum disorder( ASD), but some differences may be found in the clinical practice. The aim of this study was to clarify the differences of developmental features between children with VLBW and those with ASD at the age of 3 years.
Methods:A developmental quotient( DQ) -matched case-control study was conducted with approval of the Ethics Committee of Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine (Approval number 1438). Out of the 18 children with ASD who had received the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development 2001 test (KSPD) at 3 years of age, 14 ASD children with DQ ≥70 were enrolled. Among 172 VLBW children who were born in our hospital and had received the KSPD at the age of 3, 28 VLBW children matched with the DQ scores of the ASD group were enrolled. The passage rates of the test items in KSPD were compared between ASD and VLBW groups.
Results:VLBW group had significantly lower passing rates than ASD group in some test items, such as “imitation of the house”, “square configuration”, “discrimination of the shape Ⅱ 10/10”, “name of the picture Ⅱ 5/6”, “name of the color 3/4”, “the number of 13, up to 10”, “four blocks”, and “right and left discrimination, all reverse”(p<0.05). Conversely, in VLBW group, the passing rates of the 2 test items, “facial expression understanding Ⅰ” and “facial expression understanding Ⅱ” was higher than ASD group( p<0.1).
Conclusion:In VLBW children, the ability of spatial cognition, organizational capacity and knowledge, and number handling are weak, and the ability to infer the feelings of others may be strong in comparison with ASD children.
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