日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 31(1):97-104;2019 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第31巻 第1号 97~104頁(2019年)
A Touchscreen-Based Neonatal Resuscitation Guide Software Application as a Decision Support Tool Improves Performance in Simulated Resuscitation Scenarios
川崎医科大学 新生児科学
Department of Neonatology, Kawasaki Medical School
川本 豊
Key Words:newborn,computer-assisted decision making,simulation training,guideline adherence, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 著者の開発した蘇生意思決定支援プログラム(以下本プログラム)の臨床応用の可能性を検証するために,2 回 の新生児蘇生A コース講習会(計11 受講者 研修医3,看護師8)での冒頭のシナリオ実習(人工呼吸基本と人工 呼吸と胸骨圧迫基本)において,本プログラムを用いて行う場合(以下介入蘇生)となしで行う場合(以下対照蘇 生)とで,受講者の意思決定の適切性と蘇生完了までの時間について比較した。  介入蘇生では受講者全員がプレテスト点数にかかわらず対照蘇生に比べてより迅速にシナリオを完了した(平均 199.5 秒 vs 227.6 秒)。介入蘇生では操作ミスによる1 項目を除いて98.9%の意思決定は適切に行われたが,対照蘇 生では55.7%に留まり,全員が適切に意思決定した項目はなかった。本プログラムはシミュレーションにおいて適 切な意思決定と迅速な対応を可能とし,臨床においても蘇生経験にかかわらず有効に活用し得る可能性がある。
Aim:The aim of this study was to assess the practicality of a touchscreen-based neonatal resuscitation guide software application, which the author previously reported, in terms of its performance during simulated neonatal resuscitation scenarios.
Methods:Eleven participants( 3 residents and 8 nurses) in 2 consecutive Japanese version of neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) training courses were enrolled and presented with the 2 standardized basic scenarios (positive pressure mask ventilation (PPMV) and PPMV plus chest compression in term babies with clear amniotic fluid). Adherence to NRP algorithm and time to accomplish the scenarios were evaluated by comparison of the control resuscitation, in which management was performed from memory and reference to an NRP algorithm poster, to the intervention resuscitation, in which management was performed based on the operating guide software during low-fidelity simulated neonatal resuscitation.
Results:Time to accomplish the scenario was significantly reduced in the intervention resuscitation when compared to the control resuscitation (mean 199.5 sec versus 227.6 sec, p<0.004). The accomplishment times for PPMV scenario in the control resuscitation were negatively correlated with the participants’ pre-test scores examined at the opening of the training courses( r=-0.64, p<0.05), whereas those in the intervention resuscitation were not.
 In the control resuscitation, only 55.7% of the decisions during the PPMV scenario were properly made, and no assessment or task for which a participant made proper decision was observed. In contrast, all decisions except one( 98.9%) induced by a simple screen touch error for the guide software were made properly in the intervention resuscitation.
Conclusions:Using the guide software during simulated neonatal resuscitation scenarios significantly improved adherence to NRP algorithm and speed for resuscitation. This software might be successfully applicable to actual neonatal resuscitation irrespective of the level of operator’s resuscitation experience.
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