日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 31(1):118-123;2019 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第31巻 第1号 118~123頁(2019年) |
受付日:2018.10.22 |
受理日:2018.12.07 |
NICU 入院中に血球貪食性リンパ組織球症を発症した乳児例 |
A Case of Infant with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis During NICU Admission |
京都第一赤十字病院 新生児科 |
Department of Neonatology, Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital |
宮本洋輔・木下大介・西村 陽 |
Key Words:hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,neonatal intensive care unit,dexamethasone,cytokine |
在胎30 週4 日,797g で出生した女児。NICU 入院中の日齢91(生後3 か月)に発熱と哺乳力低下を認め,その
因不明の血球減少や高サイトカイン血症を示唆する所見を認める場合,HLH の可能性を念頭に置く必要があり,HLH
の診断に至れば,原疾患の治療に加え,遅滞なくステロイド治療を開始すべきである。 |
A female infant was delivered at 30 weeks, 4 days of gestation with a birth weight of 797g. She presented with fever and
inability to thrive at 91 days of age and subsequently developed frequent apnea and appeared listless. Blood test results
revealed a tendency of thrombocytopenia, hyperferritinemia, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase and liver transaminase
levels. Bone-marrow aspirates showed evidence of hemophagocytosis;subsequently, she was diagnosed with hemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis( HLH). After an initial treatment with dexamethasone, her symptoms improved rapidly and her
laboratory data returned to normal. In cases of cytopenia or hypercytokinemia of unknown origin in neonates or during
early infancy, the possibility of HLH should be considered. Once diagnosed, treatment of HLH with corticosteroids should
be started without delay; additional treatments for the primary disease should also commence. |
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