日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 32(1):144-148;2020 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第32巻 第1号 144 ~ 148頁(2020年) |
受付日:2019.05.09 |
受理日:2019.08.02 |
新生児期の先天性表皮水疱症の疼痛管理に経口オピオイドが有効であった1 例 |
Successful Oral Opioid Therapy for Pain Management of Epidermolysis Bullosa Hereditaria during Newborn Period:A Case Report |
産業医科大学病院総合周産期母子医療センター |
Department of Pediatrics, University of Occupational and Environmental Health |
渡邉俊介・菅 秀太郎・田中健太郎・荒木俊介・楠原浩一 |
Shunsuke Watanabe,Shutaro Suga,Kentaro Tanaka,Shunsuke Araki,Koichi Kusuhara |
Key Words:epidermolysis bullosa,neonate,chronic pain,opioid |
先天性表皮水疱症(epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria:EB)は軽微な外力で水疱やびらんを生じる遺伝性疾患
であり,皮膚損傷による疼痛の管理が必要となる。出生時より皮膚欠損,水疱が多発したEB の新生児例に対して
アセトアミノフェンで疼痛管理を開始したが,啼泣や不機嫌が持続し,日齢4 に疼痛ストレスにより随時血糖値が
868mg/dL まで上昇した。同日よりオピオイド(オプソ ® 内服液)の経口投与を開始し,以後は血糖値や不機嫌,啼
泣は改善した。オピオイド内服による有害事象はなく120μg/kg/ 日まで増量したが,皮膚所見の改善に合わせて
日齢47 までに漸減中止できた。新生児からの慢性疼痛は神経発達に悪影響を与えるため積極的な疼痛緩和が必要
理アルゴリズムの確立が望まれる。 |
Epidermolysis bullosa hereditaria( EB) is a hereditary disease, in which slight external force causes blisters and erosion,
and management of pain due to the skin injury is necessary from the neonatal period. A newborn infant with EB presented
with multiple skin defects and blisters at birth. Despite pain management with acetaminophen, crying and bad emotional
state continued, and random blood glucose level rose to 868mg/dL by pain stress on day 4 of life. After the initiation of
oral opioid( OPSO ®) on the same day, high random blood glucose levels, crying and bad emotional state improved gradually.
The dosage was increased to 120μg/kg/day without any adverse events. Thereafter, oral opioid dosage was tapered
with the improvement of skin lesions, and was discontinued on day 47 of life. As neonatal chronic pain has a bad effect on
neurodevelopment, aggressive pain management is required. In the presented case with EB, the pain management with
oral opioid was successful. Accumulation of neonatal cases receiving opioid, and establishment of an evaluation system for
neonatal chronic pain and a pain control algorithm for neonates are needed. |
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