日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 32(2):368-375;2020 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第32巻 第2号 130 ~ 137頁(2020年)
当院におけるSGA を有する極低出生体重児の修正1 歳半時の 発達についての検討
Association Between Very Low-Birth-Weight Infants who are Small for Gestational Age and Impaired Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at Corrected Age of 1.5 Years
大阪市立大学医学部附属病院 小児科・新生児科
Department of pediatrics, Osaka city university hospital, Osaka, Japann
松谷恵里・大西 聡・磯浦喜晴・児玉菜津子・松井勝敏・田中えみ・冬木真規子・濱崎考史
Key Words:SGA,very low birth weight infant,Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development,Developmental-Quotient, neurodevelopment
 我々は極低出生体重児SGA の1 歳半時点の神経学的予後をAGA と比較検討した。当院NICU に2010 年から2016 年の間に入院した極低出生体重児76 例(AGA 26 例,SGA 50 例)を対象とし,診療録を後方視的に検討した。修 正1 歳半時点の新版K 式発達検査における発達指数(DQ)を全領域,姿勢・運動,認知・適応,言語・社会の各々 で検討したところ,姿勢・運動のみSGA 群が有意に低い結果となった(100.7 vs 90.5;p=0.037)。またAGA 群は 全例,全項目でDQ70 以上であったが,SGA 群は全項目においてDQ70 未満を呈する症例を認めた。DQ85 未満の 割合は全領域,姿勢・運動においてSGA 群の方が高い傾向にあった。また,多変量解析を行いDQ85 未満に寄与 する周産期因子について検討した結果,SGA が神経学的予後に影響を及ぼすことが示唆された。特に,在胎週数が 30 週未満のSGA 群では出生体重-2.5SD を境界に発達に強く影響のある可能性が示唆された。
The objective of this study was to compare the neurodevelopmental outcomes in appropriate for gestational age( AGA) infants and small for gestational age( SGA) infants among very low-birth-weight infants( VLBWI). We carried out a single center, retrospective cohort study of VLBWI admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit between 2010 and 2016. We included 26 AGA infants (gestational week 29.2±1.9 weeks, birth weight 1,202±225g) and 50 SGA infants (31.5±2.8 weeks, 1,065±302g). The long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes were assessed by means of the Developmental Quotient( DQ) at corrected age of 18 months and calculated using the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development( KSPD). The KSPD comprises values for overall DQ, as well as Postural-Motor( PM), Cognitive-Adaptive( CA), and Language-Social (LS) values. The PM-DQ of the SGA group was significantly lower than that of the AGA group. Furthermore, all AGA cases showed DQ≥70 in all areas of the KSPD, whereas the SGA group had cases with DQ<70 in all areas. Although not significantly different, the percentage of cases with an overall DQ<85 and PM<85 tended to be higher in the SGA group than in the AGA group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, we showed that SGA infants have a higher risk of DQ<85 than AGA infants. In particular, the severe SGA group with a gestational age of less than 30 weeks, which was less than -2.5 standard deviations, tended to have lower neurodevelopmental outcomes.
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