日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 33(1):80-84;2021 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第33巻 第1号 80 ~ 84頁(2021年) |
受付日:2020.06.12 |
受理日:2020.09.28 |
ヨード含有消毒薬により甲状腺機能低下症を呈した超早産児の1 例 |
A Case of Hypothyroidism Associated with Povidone Iodine Solution Use in a Premature Infant |
愛知医科大学病院 周産期母子医療センター 新生児集中治療部門 |
Department of Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine, Aichi Medical University Sciences |
浅井慎平・市村信太郎・森 麻里・竹下 覚・上田博子・垣田博樹・山田恭聖 |
Shimpei ASAI,Shintaro ICHIMURA,Mari MORI,Satoru TAKESHITA,
Hiroko UEDA,Hiroki KAKITA,Yasumasa YAMADA |
Key Words:iodine,hypothyroidism,iodine-induced hypothyroidism,infant,premature infant |
毒薬が原因と考えられる甲状腺機能低下症の1 例を経験したため報告する。症例は在胎週数27 週4 日,出生体重
468g の超低出生体重児。末梢静脈挿入式中心静脈カテーテル留置処置が頻回に行われ,処置の際にはいずれもヨー
ド含有消毒薬を使用した。その後の血液検査でTSH>120μIU/mL,FT3 1.53pg/mL,FT4 0.22ng/mL と甲状腺
機能低下所見を認めた。また尿中ヨウ素濃度は396μg/L と高値でありヨード含有消毒薬により甲状腺機能低下症
はヨード過剰による甲状腺機能への影響を考慮すべきと考えられた。 |
Povidone iodine solution is often used for sterilization in neonatal intensive care units. Here we report on a case of iodineinduced
hypothyroidism in an extremely low birth weight female in whom povidone iodine solution was used for sterilization
several times. After repeated use of the povidone iodine solution, her thyroid function profile indicated hypothyroidism.
The cause in this case was considered to be povidone iodine use. Hypothyroidism can be difficult to diagnose due to
a lack of specific symptoms. This means that there should be a high index of suspicion for hypothyroidism when povidone
iodine is used, especially in the case of preterm infants and in cases of repeated use. Due to the risk of povidone iodine-
induced hypothyroidism, the efficacy of alternative sanitizers should also be investigated. |
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