日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 33(1):92-96;2021 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第33巻 第1号 92 ~ 96頁(2021年) |
受付日:2020.05.21 |
受理日:2020.10.06 |
インドメタシン予防投与を行った超低出生体重児における動脈管閉鎖を阻害する因子の検討 |
Risk Factors Inhibiting Ductus Arteriosus Closure in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants Who Received Prophylactic Indomethacin |
* 1 長岡赤十字病院 新生児科,* 2 長岡療育園 小児科 |
* 1 Department of Naonatology, Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital,
* 2 Department of Pediatrics, Nagaoka Institute for Severely Handicapped Children |
添野愛基* 1・沼田 修* 2・小林 玲* 1・星名 潤* 1・林 雅子* 1 |
Yoshiki SOENO * 1,Osamu NUMATA * 2,Akira KOBAYASHI * 1,Jun HOSHINA * 1,Masako HAYASHI * 1 |
Key Words:extremely low birth weight infant,prophylactic indomethacin,patent ductus arteriosus |
対象・方法:2010 ~ 2016 年に当院でインドメタシン予防投与を行った超低出生体重児71 例。予防投与後も動脈管
結果:治療群は28 例,非治療群は43 例だった。在胎週数や出生体重,合併症の頻度は両群間に差を認めなかった。
母体の硫酸マグネシウム投与は治療群に多く(78.6% vs. 51.2%;P=0.020),臍帯血Mg 値は治療群が有意に高値
だった(3.75mg/dL vs. 2.25mg/dL;P=0.002)。それ以外に有意差を認めた項目はなかった。
結論:母体に硫酸マグネシウムを投与され,出生時に高Mg 血症を認める超低出生体重児は,インドメタシン予防
投与後も動脈管が閉鎖せずに追加治療を必要とする可能性がある。 |
Objective:The aim of this study was to determine risk factors inhibiting ductus arteriosus closure in extremely low
birth weight( ELBW) infants who received prophylactic indomethacin.
Methods:Analyses were carried out in 71 infants receiving prophylactic indomethacin, among 133 ELBW infants
admitted to Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital between January 2010 and December 2016. Patients in whom the ductus
arteriosus was closed owing to prophylactic indomethacin were included in the non-treatment group, and patients in
whom indomethacin administration and surgery were performed for patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) after prophylactic
indomethacin were included in the treatment group. We retrospectively examined the background and complications of
patients using medical records and compared the two groups.
Results:There were 43 patients in the non-treatment group and 28 patients in the treatment group. Incidence of
maternal magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) administration was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the nontreatment
group( 78.6% vs. 51.2%;P=0.020). The serum magnesium level of cord blood was significantly higher in the
treatment group than in the non-treatment group (3.75mg/dL vs. 2.25mg/dL;P=0.002). There were no significant
differences between the two groups in terms of other background factors or complications.
Conclusions:ELBW infants exposed to MgSO4 by maternal administration and who have hypermagnesemia at birth
may require additional treatment for PDA after prophylactic indomethacin. |
(c)日本新生児成育医学会 All Rights Reserved. |