日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 33(1):97-102;2021 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第33巻 第1号 97 ~ 102頁(2021年) |
受付日:2020.07.10 |
受理日:2020.10.19 |
新生児遷延性肺高血圧症を呈した新生児甲状腺機能亢進症の1 例 |
Neonatal Hyperthyroidism Presenting as Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn |
りんくう総合医療センター 小児科 |
Pediatrics, Rinku General Medical Center |
山野由貴・和田芳郎・上山敦子・山本昌周・住田 裕 |
Yuki YAMANO,Yoshiro WADA,Atsuko UEYAMA,Masahiro YAMAMOTO,Yutaka SUMIDA |
Key Words:neonatal hyperthyroidism,pulmonary hypertension |
在胎34 週3 日,出生体重2,100g の男児。母体は過去に甲状腺機能亢進症のため,同亜全摘術を受けていた。FT3,
FT4 値は正常化したが,TSH 刺激性レセプター抗体は著明な高値で経過していた。児は,出生後,呻吟,多呼吸を
呈し,低酸素血症を認めNICU に入院した。経皮酸素飽和度にてpre,post ductal で差を認め,心臓超音波検査で
動脈管と卵円孔レベルで右左短絡血流を認めた。血液検査にて,TSH 0.01μIU/mL 未満,FT3 8.5pg/mL,FT4 6.4
ng/dL,TSAb 3,081%であり,甲状腺機能亢進症に伴う新生児遷延性肺高血圧症と診断し,人工呼吸管理,NO 吸
がある。 |
A newborn male with a gestational age of 34 weeks was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit for respiratory
distress. The mother had a medical history of hyperthyroidism, which was treated by subtotal thyroidectomy because
medical treatment was not indicated due to her susceptibility to allergic reactions. The thyroid function of the mother
was preserved during her pregnancy, but her thyroid-stimulating antibody levels were high. Blood sample from the
newborn was taken and thyroid function tests results indicated severe neonatal hyperthyroidism and hypoxemia. The
diagnosis of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) was confirmed by echocardiography. Inotropic
supports to stabilize circulation, mechanical ventilation with nitric oxide, and administration of thiamazole with potassium
iodide for the treatment of neonatal hyperthyroidism were initiated. The pulmonary hypertension gradually improved,
and finally resolved at day 3 after birth. PPHN was attributed to neonatal hyperthyroidism because there were no other
risk factors( e.g., meconium aspiration syndrome, asphyxia) present. Although the control of thyroid function during the
course of pregnancy was difficult to achieve for the newborn, all medications were stopped until 7 months postconception.
Neurodevelopment and thyroid function were normal at 18 months. It is important to note that the newborns
with maternal hyperthyroidism have a risk of developing PPHN. |
(c)日本新生児成育医学会 All Rights Reserved. |