日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 33(3):563-566;2021 印刷する
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第33巻 第3号 87 ~ 90頁(2021年)
単純X 線写真で認めた中間肢節骨の弯曲と多嚢胞腎により乳児期に 診断し得たHajdu-Cheney 症候群(へび状腓骨多嚢胞腎症候群: serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome:SFPKS)の1 例
A Case of Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome( Serpentine Fibula-Polycystic Kidney Syndrome) Diagnosed During Infancy Based on Polycystic Kidneys and Mesomelic Curvature of the Fibula, Radius, and Ulna as Observed on Plain Radiographs
一宮市立市民病院 小児科
Depertment of Pediatrics, Ichinomiya Municipal Hospital
福島秀晃・渡邉翔太・長屋嘉顕・佐橋 剛・三宅能成
Hideaki FUKUSHIMA,Shota WATANABE,Yoshiaki NAGAYA,Takeshi SAHASHI,Yoshishige MIYAKE
Key Words:Hajdu-Cheney syndrome,serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome,mesomelic curvature
Hajdu-Cheney 症候群(HCS)はNOTCH2 遺伝子のヘテロ接合性の変異により引き起こされる常染色体優性遺伝 の疾患であり,臨床的には末節骨の骨融解,重度の骨粗鬆症,低身長,神経学的症状,心血管疾患,多嚢胞腎を特 徴とする。以前はへび状腓骨多嚢胞腎症候群(serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome:SFPKS)は多嚢胞 腎とS 状の腓骨を認めることによりHCS とは区別されてきたが,共通の症状が多く,NOTCH2 のexon34 に共通 の変異を認めており,現在はHCS の一部とされている。HCS の中で多嚢胞腎を認める割合は約14%,弯曲した腓 骨を認める割合は約9%であり稀である。弯曲した腓骨に注目して診断に至った報告は散見されるが,弯曲した橈 骨,尺骨に注目した報告は認めていない。また骨融解に注目すると最も早い報告で出現時期は1 歳6 か月であり, 診断時期は遅くなることが予想される。今回我々は,多嚢胞腎と,単純X 線写真で認めた腓骨,橈骨,尺骨の中間 肢節骨の弯曲に注目することにより乳児期にHCS の診断に至った1 例を経験したので報告する。
Hajdu-Cheney syndrome( HCS) is an autosomal dominant congenital disorder caused by a heterozygous mutation of the NOTCH2 gene. It is clinically characterized by osteolysis of the distal phalanges, severe osteoporosis, short stature, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and polycystic kidneys. Serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome (SFPKS) has traditionally been distinguished from HCS due to the presence of both polycystic kidney and S-shaped fibula. However, since the two conditions have a large number of symptoms in common and both share the same mutation of exon34 of the NOTCH2 gene, SFPKS is now considered a sub-type of HCS. Approximately 14% of HCS cases present with polycystic kidney and approximately 9% present with a curved fibula, making this condition rare. Although some studies have reported HCS cases diagnosed according to the presence of the curved fibula, no study has diagnosed these cases based on the curvature of the radius or ulna. To the best of our knowledge, the earliest reported appearance of osteolysis was in a child aged 1 year and 6 months;thus, when focusing only on the osteolysis, it is to be expected that the diagnosis will be delayed. Here, we report a case of HCS in an infant who was diagnosed according to the presence of polycystic kidneys and mesomelic curvature of the fibula, radius, and ulna as observed on plain radiographs.
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