日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 34(1):83-92;2022 |
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第34巻 第4号 83 ~ 92頁(2022年) |
受付日:2021.02.09 |
受理日:2021.09.27 |
院外出生児を至適温度で搬送することを目指して |
Management of Optimal Rectal Temperature During Neonatal Transport |
姫路赤十字病院 総合周産期母子医療センター小児科 |
Department of Pediatrics, Perinatal Medical Center, Himeji Red Cross Hospital |
藤原絢子・五百蔵智明・黒川大輔・上村裕保・柄川 剛・久呉真章 |
Ayako FUJIWARA,Tomoaki IOROI,Daisuke KUROKAWA,Hiroyasu UEMURA,Tsuyoshi EGAWA,Masaaki KUGO |
Key Words:out-of-hospital newborns,rectal temperature,transportation,optimal temperature |
生後早期の院外出生児を至適温度で搬送することは重要である。当院の新生児センターは2018 年11 月から当院出発時の搬送用保育器の設定基準(以下:旧基準)を設け,搬送依頼施設出発時と当院到着時の直腸温,保育器設定温および保育器実測温を搬送用記録用紙に記入してきた。旧基準213 人で搬送後に高体温もしくは低体温となる院外出生児の臨床的特徴と割合の変化を後方視的に検討すると,在胎週数や出生体重,搬送日齢が搬送後の直腸温に影響することがわかった。そして2019 年11 月から当院出発時の保育器設定温を新たな基準(以下:新基準)へ変更した。新基準は旧基準と比べ在胎週数36 週以上または出生体重2,500g 以上の院外出生児において搬送後の直腸温が37.5℃以上の高体温となる割合が有意に低下し,36.4℃以下の低体温となる割合は増加しなかった。新基準は臨床的に有用である可能性が考えられた。 |
It is important to transport out-of-hospital newborns at optimal temperatures. In November 2018, we established a temperature
setting for incubators for transportation to be used when departing from our hospital( old setting). We recorded
rectal temperature data of the newborns and the incubator temperature at the time of departure from the birth facility
and at admission to our hospital, and in November 2019, we revised the setting( new setting). We then retrospectively
examined 213 infants transported under the old setting and 210 infants under the new setting, in terms of the clinical
characteristics and changes in the proportion of out-of-hospital infants. As a result, it was found that their gestational age,
birth weight, transportation age, outside air temperature during transport, and rectal temperature at the time of departure
from the birth facility affected their rectal temperature on admission. In addition, regarding to out-of-hospital newborns
with at least 36 weeks of gestation or a birth weight of at least 2,500g, the new setting was associated with decreased
rate of high rectal temperatures after transport, and those with temperatures below 36.4℃ did not change.
Transporting out-of-hospital newborns under the new setting appears to be clinically useful. |
(c)日本新生児成育医学会 All Rights Reserved. |