日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 19(1):109-114;2007 印刷する
日本未熟児新生児学会雑誌 第19巻 第1号 109~114頁(2007年)
Clinical Study of Apnea Attacks on Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants
広島市立広島市民病院 未熟児新生児センター
Medical Center for Premature and Neonatal Infant, Hiroshima City Hospital
Key Words:apnea attack,extremely low birth weight infant,Nasal-DPAP,mask type of nasal prong,doxapram
 Nasal-DPAP のマスク型プロングでは従来型に比べ鼻の副作用が少なく,装着期間をより長くすることができた。これは早期抜管につながり,慢性肺疾患,声門下狭窄の予防に有用である。しかし,CPAP圧の調整が困難なため,日本人の鼻の形状にあったリークの少ないプロングの開発が望まれる。
 Of the 73 extremely low birth weight infants who were discharged from our Center during a period of 4 years between 2001 and 2004, a clinical study of apnea attacks was conducted on 61 infants excluding 9 deads and 3 infants with subglotic stenosis.
 In the infants with chronic lung disease the frequency of apnea attacks was higher and their disappearance was delayed when compared to the infants without chronic lung disease.
 Nasal-DPAP was found to be the most effective therapy, followed by doxapram, and Air Mat method. The effectiveness of Air Mat method increased after the postconceptional age of 35 weeks. Low-dose of doxapram of 0.25-1.0 mg/kg/hour showed an effect equivalent to Nasal-DPAP with demonstrating hardly any adverse side effect.
 In cases of Nasal-DPAP, the mask type of nasal prong showed less side effects on the nose when compared to the previous type and the period of Nasal-DPAP increased afer the introduction of the mask type of nasal prong. It is considered that the use of the mask type which permits earlier extubation is effective in preventing chronic lung disease and subglotic stenosis. The difficulty involved in regulating the CPAP pressure can be given as a problem point and furthermore there is a need to develop a nasal prong matching the nose shape of Japanese infants to control leakage.
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