日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 35(2):269-273;2023
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第35巻 第2号 120 ~ 124 頁(2023年) |
受付日:2022.11.22 |
受理日:2023.02.09 |
先天性新生児頭蓋骨陥凹の1 例 |
A Case of Congenital Depression of the Skull in Neonate |
* 1 兵庫医科大学 小児科学,* 2 渡辺産婦人科小児科,* 3 兵庫医科大学 脳神経外科学 |
* 1 Department of Pediatrics, Hyogo Medical University, * 2 WATANABE CLINIC for Maternity and Ladies and Pediatrics, * 3 Department of Neurosurgery, Hyogo Medical University |
田中花衣* 1・宇都宮剛* 1・田中めぐみ* 1・武田紗季* 1・増田祥行* 1・中田あゆみ* 1・三﨑真生子* 1・香田 翼* 1・柴田暁男* 1・奥田真珠美* 1・渡辺宜信* 2・阪本大輔* 3・吉村紳一* 3・竹島泰弘* 1 |
Kae TANAKA * 1,Takeshi UTSUNOMIYA * 1,Megumi TANAKA * 1,Saki TAKEDA * 1,Yasuyuki MASUDA * 1, Ayumi NAKATA * 1,Maiko MISAKI * 1,Tsubasa KODA * 1,Akio SHIBATA * 1,Masumi OKUDA * 1, Yoshinobu WATANABE * 2,Daisuke SAKAMOTO * 3,Shinichi YOSHIMURA * 3,Yasuhiro TAKESHIMA * 1 |
Key Words:congenital depressed skull,neonate |
今回我々は先天性と考えられる新生児頭蓋骨陥凹の1 例を経験した。日齢1 の新生児診察で右側頭部に3.5cm× 3.5cm,深さ0.6cm の陥凹を認めたため当院へ搬送となった。神経学的異常所見を認めず,また画像検査でも頭蓋 内病変を認めなかったことから無治療で経過観察したところ,1 か月で陥凹部の改善を認めた。過去に報告されて いる先天性の新生児頭蓋骨陥凹88 症例を引用しながら報告する。 |
Congenital depression of the skull in neonates is extremely rare and has a prevalence of one out of ten thousand infants. We report a case of congenital depression of the skull in a 1-day-old male infant, who was delivered by cesarean section at 37 weeks’ gestation. The patient was transferred to our hospital for further examination and medical treatment because a right occipital depression was found at birth. The size of the depression was 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm x 0.6 cm. On physical examination, there were no abnormal neurological findings. Both cranial X-ray and head computed tomography showed no obvious fracture line, and no intracranial hemorrhage was observed. We diagnosed this case as congenital depression of the skull and observed the patient. When the infant was one month old, an improvement in the lesion was observed during the follow-up as an outpatient. We analyzed 88 previously reported cases of congenital cranial depression in neonates. In the past, many cases of congenital depression of the skull were treated using surgery or aspiration. However, in recent years, infants with congenital depression of the skull were predominantly observed without surgery or aspiration. Although there is currently no treatment strategy for congenital depression of the skull, conservative observation may become the primary option rather than surgical treatment or aspiration. |