日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 35(2):292-297;2023 

日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第35巻 第2号 143 ~ 148頁(2023年)
日齢7 に発症したヒトパレコウイルス3 型脳炎の新生児例
A Neonatal Case of Encephalitis by Human Parechovirus Type 3 That Onset at Age 7 Days
奈良県総合医療センター 新生児集中治療部
Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Nara Prefecture General Medical Center
岡村卓実・桐村章大・安原 肇・恵美須礼子・扇谷綾子・箕輪秀樹
Key Words:human parechovirus type 3,newborn,encephalitis,film array,infection route
 早期にヒトパレコウイルス3 型脳炎と診断し,感染経路を推定し得た早期発症の新生児症例を報告する。症例は 日齢7 の女児。発熱,発疹,無呼吸発作,痙攣様の不随意運動を認めた。頭部MRI 拡散強調像で大脳白質・脳梁 膨大部に高信号を認め,日齢10 の髄液フィルムアレイの結果からヒトパレコウイルス脳炎と診断し,抗菌薬を中 止した。免疫グロブリン療法,ステロイドパルス療法を施行し,痙攣様運動および無呼吸発作は改善し日齢27 に 退院した。退院後の経過で頭部MRI 所見も改善し月齢相当の発達が見られている。母親と姉の便からヒトパレコ ウイルスが検出され,出産前後の経過から出産前に姉から母親へ,出産後に母親から児へ水平感染したと推察した。
 新生児や乳児期早期に発熱や発疹,無呼吸発作,痙攣などの症状を呈した場合は,ヒトパレコウイルス感染を疑 い,速やかに診断することで予後を改善できる可能性があると考えられる。
Here we report a case of early-onset human parechovirus type 3 encephalitis that was diagnosed early, and the likely route of infection. The patient was a 7-day-old girl who was admitted to the pediatric department due to fever, erythematous rash, apnea attack, and convulsive-like involuntary movements. Plain MRI of the head showed high signal level in the cerebral white matter and corpus callosum, and CSF Film Array at age 10 days was positive for human parechovirus. We therefore diagnosed human parechovirus encephalitis, and antimicrobial therapy was discontinued. Immunoglobulin therapy and steroid pulse therapy were administered. Afterwards, she showed no convulsive-like movements or apnea attack, and she was therefore discharged from the hospital at 27 days old. MRI findings of the head also improved, and the developmental follow-up revealed age-appropriate development. Human parechovirus was detected in stool samples of the patient’s mother and older sister, and it was inferred that the infection was transmitted from her older sister to her mother, and then from her mother to the patient after childbirth.
When neonates or infants present with symptoms such as fever, erythematous rash, apnea attack, or convulsions, human parechovirus infection should be suspected, and early diagnosis may improve the prognosis.