日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 36(1):132-136;2024
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第36巻 第1号 132 ~ 136頁(2024年) |
受付日:2023.05.11 |
受理日:2023.07.21 |
気管支鏡ガイド下経鼻気管挿管を実施した新生児舌根部嚢胞の1 例 |
Bronchoscope-Guided Nasotracheal Intubation in an Infant with a Congenital Tongue Base Cyst:a Case Report |
* 1 東邦大学医療センター大森病院 新生児科,* 2 同 小児科,* 3 同 病理診断科,* 4 同 耳鼻咽喉科 |
* 1 Department of Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University, * 2 Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University, * 3 Department of Surgical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University, * 4 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University |
西原友紀* 1 * 2・平林将明* 1・日根幸太郎* 1・富田彩香* 1・森谷菜央* 1・原田 匠* 1・荒井裕香* 1・緒方公平* 1・斉藤敬子* 1・荒井博子* 1・栃木直文* 3・松島康二* 4・与田仁志* 1・増本健一* 1 |
Yuki NISHIHARA * 1 * 2,Masaaki HIRABAYASHI * 1,Kotaro HINE * 1,Ayaka TOMITA * 1,Nao MORITANI * 1, Takumi HARADA * 1,Yuka ARAI * 1,Kohei OGATA * 1,Keiko SAITO * 1,Hiroko ARAI * 1, Naobumi TOCHIGI * 3,Koji MATSUSHIMA * 4,Hitoshi YODA * 1,Kenichi MASUMOTO * 1 |
Key Words:congenital tongue base cyst,bronchoscope-guided nasotracheal intubation,nasal directional positive airway pressure |
舌根部嚢胞は稀な疾患で,咽頭狭窄や喉頭蓋の圧排を伴うため気道管理が重要である。今回,新生児集中治療室 (neonatal intensive care unit:NICU)において気管支鏡ガイド下で経鼻気管挿管を実施した舌根部嚢胞の1 例を報 告する。症例は在胎38 週6 日,体重3,374g で出生した女児である。出生直後より呼吸障害を伴う舌根部嚢胞を指 摘され,喉頭鏡を用いた喉頭展開は困難であった。気管挿管までの呼吸管理に,呼気吸気変換方式経鼻的持続陽圧 呼吸法が有用であった。術中の緊急事態を回避する目的で,術前に新生児科医がNICU で気管支鏡ガイド下経鼻気 管挿管を行った。あらかじめ,挿管予定の対側の鼻腔より挿管チューブを中咽頭まで挿入して用手的補助換気を実 施し,呼気終末陽圧をかけることで挿管中も安定した呼吸管理を行うことができた。巨大舌根部嚢胞のため喉頭鏡 で喉頭蓋が同定できない場合,術前にNICU で気管支鏡を用いた経鼻気管挿管が有用である。 |
Congenital tongue base cysts are rare and sometimes complicate airway management because of pharyngeal stenosis and compression. Here, we report a case of congenital tongue base cyst in which a neonatologist performed bronchoscopeguided nasotracheal intubation in the neonatal intensive-care unit( NICU). The patient was a girl born at 38 weeks and 6 days gestation, weighing 3,374g. From birth, a tongue base cyst, inspiratory stridor, and retractive breathing were noted. Percutaneous oxygen saturation was 90% on FiO2 0.4, and laryngeal expansion using a laryngoscope was technically difficult. To avoid intraoperative contingencies, the neonatologist performed bronchoscope-guided nasotracheal intubation in the NICU before cystectomy. Nasal directional positive airway pressure was useful for respiratory management until tracheal intubation could be achieved. Manual ventilation was performed by inserting an intubation tube through the contralateral nasal cavity into the nasopharynx. This approach was considered adequate because it allowed stable respiratory control even under mild sedation. If the epiglottis cannot be identified by laryngoscopy due to a congenital tongue base cyst, preoperative nasotracheal intubation guided by bronchoscopy in the NICU should be considered. |