日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 36(1):152-156;2024 

日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第36巻 第1号 152 ~ 156頁(2024年)
de novo 不均衡型転座によるBeckwith-Wiedemann 症候群と5p 欠失症候群の合併例
Overlapping Phenotype of Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and 5p Deletion Syndrome Due to a De Novo Unbalanced Translocation Between Chromosomes 5p and 11p:a Case Report
独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構(JCHO)九州病院 小児科
Department of Pediatrics, Japan Community Healthcare Organization Kyushu Hospital
Key Words:partial trisomy 11p,microarray analysis,genetic counseling
 Beckwith-Wiedemann 症候群(BWS)の2%は父由来の11 番染色体短腕部分トリソミーに起因する。症例は在 胎38 週,体重3,684g(+2.2SD)で出生し新生児仮死のため入院,喉頭軟化症がありhigh-flow nasal cannula,経 管栄養を継続し生後6 か月で退院した。小頭症,眼瞼下垂,短頸,鼠径ヘルニア,尿道下裂,難聴,動脈管開存症 に加え,巨舌,臍ヘルニアなどBWS を疑う所見があり,染色体G 分染法は46,XY であったが,マイクロアレイで 5p と11p の不均衡型転座が疑われた。FISH 法で保因者診断も行い核型46,XY,der(5)t(5;11)(p15.2;p15.4) de novo と確定,BWS と5p 欠失症候群の合併例として症状は合致し,2 歳現在,座位不能で重度の精神運動発達 遅滞がある。BWS は腫瘍発生のリスクもあり,診断,フォローアップが重要な疾患である。非特異的な症状に巨舌, 過成長などを伴う場合には,不均衡型転座によるBWS を念頭におく必要がある。
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome( BWS) is caused by various 11p15 genetic or epigenetic defects leading to abnormal expression of imprinted genes. A small number of cases (1 to 3%) are due to chromosomal abnormalities involving the 11p15 region, the most common of which is 11p15 paternal duplication. We report a two-year-old boy with a de novo unbalanced chromosomal translocation, consisting of paternal duplication of terminal 11p and terminal deletion of 5p. These are associated with the well-known clinical phenotypes of BWS and 5p deletion syndrome, respectively. The patient presented for clinical evaluation of macroglossia, overgrowth, hypoglycemia, microcephaly, ptosis, short neck, laryngomalacia, inguinal hernia, hypospadias, congenital hearing impairment, developmental delay, and patent ductus arteriosus. Conventional karyotype of the patient was normal, but chromosomal microarray analysis revealed an 8.2 Mb heterozygous copy number gain of chromosome 11p15.5p15.4, along with an 11.4 Mb heterozygous copy number loss of chromosome 5p15.33p15.2. Subtelomeric FISH analysis of the patient and his father confirmed the patient’s karyotype:46,XY.ish der( 5) t( 5;11()p15.2;p15.4) de novo. This report demonstrates the usefulness of chromosomal microarray analysis for detecting unbalanced translocations in patients with developmental delay and atypical symptoms in addition to BWS features.