日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 36(2):98-102;2024
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第36巻 第2号 98 ~ 102頁(2024年) |
受付日:2023.11.28 |
受理日:2023.12.07 |
緊急心嚢穿刺を要した極低出生体重児の1 例からの教訓 |
Lessons from a Case of Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infant Requiring Emergent Pericardiocentesis |
埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 小児科 |
Department of Pediatrics, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University |
小峯柊野・岡 俊太郎・齋藤可奈・金井雅代・加部一彦・増谷 聡 |
Shuya KOMINE,Shuntaro OKA,Kana SAITO,Masayo KANAI,Kazuhiko KABE,Satoshi MASUTANI |
Key Words:cardiac tamponade,pericardiocentesis,peripherally inserted central venous catheter,low birth weight |
心タンポナーデは末梢静脈挿入型中心静脈カテーテルの合併症の一つで,緊急対応が必要である。本症で教訓を 得た症例を報告する。極低出生体重児に対し日齢1 に右上肢から挿入したPI カテーテルの先端は,電子カルテの汎 用モニタで上大静脈と判断した。日齢5 に突然の酸素化不良・皮膚色不良・徐脈を認め,超音波検査で心タンポナ ーデと診断し,心嚢穿刺を施行した。排液により速やかな循環動態の改善を得た。事後で高精細の医用モニタで確 認すると,PI カテーテルの先端は右室内にあり,抜去した。患児は2 歳6 か月の時点で月齢相当の発達を認めてい る。PI カテーテルの先端位置の正確な同定は重要であり,医用モニタによる確認が重要と考えられた。NICU で心 タンポナーデを発症した際,重篤な事例ほど穿刺は容易だが時間の猶予がないため,新生児科医が心嚢穿刺をでき るよう日頃から手順の確認が必要と考えられた。 |
Cardiac tamponade is a possible complication of peripherally inserted central venous catheters and necessitates urgent treatment. In this report, we present a case in which lessons were learned. A very-low-birth-weight infant underwent a peripherally inserted central venous catheter insertion from the right upper extremity at 1 day of age. We judged that the catheter tip was at the superior vena cava based on a chest X-ray using an ordinary liquid crystal display attached to an electronic medical recording system. At 5 days of age, the patient was pale and developed bradycardia with poor oxygenation. Echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade, and a pericardiocentesis was performed. The patient's circulatory status immediately improved post-drainage. Revisualization of the catheter tip on the same Xray at 1 day of age using a medical imaging display system revealed that the tip was in the patient’s right ventricle, which prompted catheter removal. Normal growth and development were observed at 2 years and 6 months of age. The use of a medical imaging display system is crucial to accurately identify the location of the tip of a thin venous catheter. Performing the puncture during pericardiocentesis is easier in cases of severe cardiac tamponade. Thus, neonatologists should have a good understanding of pericardiocentesis procedure so that they can perform prompt pericardiocentesis as necessary. |