日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 36(2):108-114;2024
日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第36巻 第2号 108 ~ 114頁(2024年) |
受付日:2023.10.17 |
受理日:2024.02.07 |
低出生体重児の医療機関退院後から6 歳までの身体発育曲線の作成 |
Growth Curves for Low-Birth-Weight Infants from Hospital Discharge to 6 Years of Age |
* 1 国立成育医療研究センター研究所 小児慢性特定疾病情報室,* 2 自治医科大学 医学部 小児科, * 3 日本赤十字北海道看護大学 臨床医学領域,* 4 独立行政法人地域医療機能推進機構北海道病院 小児科, * 5 昭和大学 医学部 小児科学講座,* 6 神奈川県立こども医療センター 新生児科,* 7 大阪母子医療センター 新生児科, * 8 東京都立墨東病院 新生児科,* 9 社会福祉法人恩賜財団母子愛育会総合母子保健センター愛育病院 新生児科, * 10 北海道大学 環境健康科学研究教育センター,* 11 昭和大学 医学部 リハビリテーション医学講座 |
* 1 Division of Information for Specific Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Research Institute, National, Center for Child Health and Development, * 2 Department of Pediatrics, Jichi Medical University, * 3 Division of Clinical Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido college of Nursing, * 4 Department of Pediatrics, Japan Community Health Care Organization Hokkaido Hospital, * 5 Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Showa University, * 6 Department of Neonatology, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center, * 7 Department of Neonatal Medicine, Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital, * 8 Department of Neonatology, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital, * 9 Department of Newborn Medicine, Aiiku Hospital, * 10 Center for Environmental and Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, * 11 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine |
盛一享德* 1・河野由美* 2・伊藤善也* 3・長 和俊* 4・水野克己* 5・豊島勝昭* 6・木本裕香* 7・九島令子* 8・石井のぞみ* 9・山口健史* 10・橋本圭司* 11・矢田ゆかり* 12 |
Akinori MORIICHI * 1,Yumi KONO * 2,Yoshiya ITO * 3,Kazutoshi CHO * 4, Katsumi MIZUNO * 5,Katsuaki TOYOSHIMA * 6,Yasuka KIMOTO * 7,Reiko KUSHIMA * 8, Nozomi ISHII * 9,Takeshi YAMAGUCHI * 10,Keiji HASHIMOTO * 11,Yukari YADA * 2 |
Key Words:低出生体重児,早産児,成長曲線,GAMLSS |
方法:2012 ~ 2016 年出生の低出生体重児を対象とし,全国の周産期施設からフォローアップ中の体格測定値を収 集した。同時にフォトサーベイシステムを利用し,一部の参加施設の患者保護者から直接,体格測定値を取得した。 曲線の平滑化にはGAMLSS モデルを用いた。 結果:全国70 施設が参加し,計9,587 症例が発育曲線作成に組み込まれた。診療録データに加え,フォトサーベイ の測定値を補完的に組み込み,3,10,25,50,75,90,97 パーセンタイル値の身長,体重,頭囲の退院後から4 または6 歳までの発育曲線を出生体重500g ごとに層別化した5 群で男女別に作成した。 結論:低出生体重児の体格の現況を現す発育曲線が,低出生体重児の発育支援に貢献することが期待される。 |
Objective:This study aimed to develop growth curves for low-birth-weight infants that reflect recent medical care, due
to the difficulty of properly assessing their growth using standard growth curves.
Methods:Anthropometric measurements obtained during follow-up were collected from perinatal facilities nationwide for infants discharged alive with birth weight of less than 2,500 g. Additionally, a photo-survey system was employed to directly obtain anthropometric measurements from the parents. The GAMLSS method was used to smoothen the growth curve. Results:A total of 70 facilities throughout Japan participated in the study, and 9,587 cases were included in the development of growth curves. In addition to the medical record data, measurements from the photo survey were supplementally embedded. Growth curves were created for height, weight, and head circumference, stratified by gender and by birth weight intervals of 500 g each. These curves included values for the 3rd, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 97th percentile, up to 4 or 6 years of age. Conclusion:The growth curves developed in this study, which represent the current status of physical growth in lowbirth- weight infants, are expected to contribute to supporting the growth of these infants and alleviating concerns of their parents. |