日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 36(2):128-133;2024 

日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 第36巻 第2号 128 ~ 133頁(2024年)
適切な気道管理により重篤な気道合併症なく長期生存できているTracheal cartilaginous sleeve を合併したPfeiffer 症候群Ⅱ型の1 例
A Case of Pfeiffer Syndrome Type Ⅱ Complicated by Tracheal Cartilaginous Sleeve with Long-Term Survival Without Severe Airway Complications Due to Appropriate Airway Management
* 1 前橋赤十字病院 小児科,* 2 東京女子医科大学附属足立医療センター 新生児科
* 1 Department of Pediatrics, Japanese Red Cross Maebashi Hospital, * 2 Devision of Neonatal Intensive Care, Tokyo Women’s Medical University Adachi Medical Center
佐々木祐登* 1・杉立 玲* 1・田中健佑* 1・清水真理子* 1・松井 敦* 1・長谷川久弥* 2
Yuto SASAKI * 1,Ryo SUGITATE * 1,Kensuke TANAKA * 1,Mariko SHIMIZU * 1,Atsushi MATSUI * 1,Hisaya HASEGAWA * 2
Key Words:craniosynostosis,upper airway obstruction,tracheal cartilaginous sleeve,bronchoscopy,tracheostomy
 Tracheal cartilaginous sleeve(TCS)は気管軟骨輪の癒合を呈する稀な先天奇形だが,Pfeiffer 症候群等の症候 群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症への合併報告がある。症例はPfeiffer 症候群Ⅱ型と臨床診断された男児で,生後2 か月 に哺乳時呼吸困難と往復性喘鳴を認め,気管支鏡検査でTCS と診断した。生後6 か月時に単純気管切開術を行い, 気管内肉芽の形成を最小限に抑えるべく,螺旋入り気管切開チューブを選択したところ,重篤な合併症なく満6 歳 を迎えられている。TCS 患者は下気道感染や気道閉塞による突然死のリスクが高く気管切開なしでは9 割が2 歳未 満で死亡するとされ,死後解剖で初めて診断されることも多い。症候群性頭蓋骨縫合早期癒合症患者ではTCS 合併 を念頭に置き,早期に気道病変の検索を行い,螺旋入りチューブを用いるなど,気管切開チューブの選択にも細心 の注意を払うべきである。
Tracheal cartilaginous sleeve (TCS) is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the fusion of the tracheal cartilaginous rings. It is a known complication of syndromic craniosynostosis, such as Pfeiffer syndrome. Here, we report the case of a male patient who was clinically diagnosed with Pfeiffer syndrome typeⅡ. At approximately 2 months of age, the patient experienced dyspnea and stridor during feeding, and a diagnosis of TCS was made after bronchoscopy. A simple tracheostomy was performed when the patient was 6 months old, with the selection of a spiral-reinforced silicone tube to minimize intratracheal granulation. Currently, at 6 years of age, the patient is not experienced any serious complications. Patients with TCS are at a high risk of sudden death due to lower respiratory tract infections or airway obstruction. Without tracheostomy, 90% of these patients die before 2 years of age and are sometimes only diagnosed postmortem during autopsies. Therefore, early airway screening, including bronchoscopy, is essential to detect potential TCS complication in patients with syndromic craniosynostosis. When performing a tracheostomy for TCS, the choice of tracheostomy tube should also be considered, such as the use of a spiral-reinforced silicone tube.